Is She Gonna Die?

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Steven's POV

"NOOO!!" I screamed, watching Jasper brutally hit Topaz.

Warning very brutal

Blood fell out of her, as Lapis looked at her with me, terrified. Peridot's face was filled with pure and utter fear.
"That's...that's awful..." Peridot said, paralyzed from fear. Lapis closed her eyes, and put her hands over her face.
"No..." She whispered shakily. Tears filled my eyes as they dropped. Jasper growled with an evil chuckle. Pearl and Garnet quickly got up, sprinting towards Jasper. Pearl stabbed Jasper, making her body freeze, and poof. Her gem sat there on the ground. Garnet bubbled it away.

All of a sudden, we heard another poof. I looked where Topaz was. Nothing was there. I ran towards the area, and looked down. Topaz's gem.
"No..." I whispered. I picked it up, and cradled it. Connie ran up to me.
"She got poofed." Connie gasped, her eyebrows furrowed. Pearl stood next to me, and made a strange face.
"Let me have her." Pearl demanded kindly. I really didn't trust Pearl.
"N-no." I replied bravely. Pearl frowned.
"No?!" She exclaimed. I shook my head
"No." I repeated. Garnet looked at Pearl.
"He doesn't trust you. And neither do I." Garnet told Pearl.

Pearl scoffed, and crossed her arms.
"Fine." She said.

At the house

I gently placed Topaz on a pillow, and put a lamp over her so she could keep warm as a gem.
"I hope you're okay." I hoped, tears filling my eyes. "I gotta get some sleep." I said, making a little bed next to the pillow and lamp. I tucked myself in, and closed my eyes. "Good night." I told the now poofed gem.

Pearl's POV

Little did Garnet, Amethyst, Steven and Topaz know, Connie and I were awake. The rest of them slept soundly, happily snoring. Connie smiled at me and nodded. I nodded back. Connie got the weapon. The one weapon that could shatter a gem in an instant. The one Bismuth made. She told everyone but me that she only made one. Little did they know, she made two. I had the second one all along, I looked at Topaz's gem, and Connie breathed in quietly.
"Are you ready Connie?" I whispered to her. She held the shatter weapon in her hands, looking at it.
"Yes." She agreed. All of a sudden, I got flashbacks. I realized that all the times Topaz saved Rose, she apologized.

She apologized about me not getting to. She apologized about making me look like a fool. She apologized about everything. I watched Connie throw the shatter weapon up, ready to crash it down onto Topaz. Steven rolled over. Sweat beads rolled down my head. Connie got ready. I felt my heart beat and hurt.
"Goodbye." She said evilly.

I felt...bad. I jumped. I jumped to save Topaz. I screamed. Steven woke up suddenly. He looked at me in surprise.
"Pearl!" He yelped, tears streamed down his face. Garnet and Amethyst ran into the room.
"Pearl!" They yelled. I gasped, the shatter weapon impaled my chest, and went through me, out my back. I chuckled, and looked at Connie. Her eyes widened, as she froze. She gasped, tears filled her eyes slowly. I managed to smile at her.
"Guess I was the good guy all along." I said simply, shrugging my shoulders, and closing my eyes.


"PEEEAAAARLLLLL!!!!" Steven's voice was the last thing I heard.

Steven's POV

I sobbed, as Pearl got poofed. We looked at her gem. 'Crack'.

It shattered. Into a million pieces.
"NO! I-I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" Connie screamed, dropping the shatter weapon behind her. She sobbed, picking up the tiny pieces of Pearl. She desperately tried to put them back together.
"Connie..." I whispered. Connie looked at me, and smiled forcefully. She looked back down at the shattered Pearl. She picked up all the pieces and cupped them in her hands.
"M-maybe we c-can glue it! And-and she can come b-back..." Connie sobbed, her whole body shaking. We all shook our heads and closed our eyes. That's when a light beamed around Topaz's grey gem. She came back, not reformed. She looked at Connie, as her eyes widened.
"Pearl..." She whispered, covering her mouth. She collapsed to the ground into a fit of sobbing. I hugged her, and sobbed along with her.
"I know..." I mumbled. We all sat in silence. Garnet stood up, and picked up the shatter weapon.
"We need to get rid of this." Garnet confirmed. We all nodded meekly. Garnet smashed it. It shattered. She somehow bubbled the pieces away. Pearl was...dead.

The next day.

After a lot of grief, we found a neat little letter in Pearl's room.
"What does it say?" Topaz asked.
"Let's see..." Garnet replied.

It read:

Dear Gems,

I have something to tell you. This was all my fault. Jasper, Topaz getting poofed, everything. It was out of jealousy. I'm sure arose Quartz is very disappointed in me. She must love Topaz now. But guess what? That's okay. Because it doesn't matter now.


We read the letter, our hearts pounded.
"She was actually sorry." I mumbled sadly. Topaz nodded, putting her hand in mine.
"Yeah." She replied. After the incident, we haven't seen Connie since. She probably felt awful. I didn't blame her.
"We need to rest. We have to take a break from missions until we're over Pearl." Amethyst said. Me, Garnet, and Topaz nodded.
"Hey, Steven?" Topaz asked me.
"Yeah?" I replied. She smiled at me.
"I wanna fuse so...

Take My Hand."

T H E  E N D

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