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I went to bed that night helplessly tired. I fell in to the sheets of my bed and quickly dosed off. I didn't know if I was dreaming or not when red flashes started to beam into my window. I hopped out of bed to see what was going on. I nearly tripped when going down the stairs. When I open the door there was blood on the welcome mat -- fresh blood. I turned around slowly to find my roommate beat to a bloody pulp. Her eyes were cut deeply and purplish busies was there everywhere on her face. I only manged to get out "What happen to you Shell?"

"Carlos, did it."She whispered, and then unconsciousness hit her. The ambulance swarmed in around me and took care of Shell. How did I mange to sleep through this? It's not like its my fault. I didn't do anything but yet I felt like I let this happened. You didn't do anything Diamond,I told myself. All you did was tell her not to get pregnant nothing else. You didn't know that he was crazy beyond belief. Well I sort of did know that Carlos was crazy he once tried to stick his tongue down my throat before, oh my god what did I do?

Nothing, I snapped back at myself internally. Oh come on you warned the girl about this stuff a month ago. She didn't listen it's her fault.

My good side was being beat down. But she doesn't deserve getting beaten don't you think?

I think she deserved every single thing she got.

Oh shut up! I'm not that cruel to think like that. I need mental help right now. I shook my head and watched as they shoved a breathing tube down her throat. They  put her on a stretcher and wheeled her out of the living room. I followed them out getting in the EMT van with them. "Is she going to be okay?" I asked the man that was pumping air into her.

"She's stable, but as you can see she is not doing well. Do you have any idea who could have done this to her?" He asked me.

"Yes, before she fell unconscious  she told me Carlos did it." I said mutely, while looking at her face. I didn't realize how much she actually meant to me. I knew at times she got on my nerves but she was still like a sister. We been through a lot with each other, she was there when my brother past and I was there when she first got drunk. I loved her she was my friend and I wasn't about to lose her because some bitch didn't know how to keep his hands off females.

"I will need you to tell that to the officers that will be waiting at the hospital." I nodded and when I did I notice her jeans was tore at the pelvic area showing her white busied skin. There was also blood stains there on her pants. "What are you looking at ma'am?" I pointed to her vaginal area.

"She was raped." I whispered. The man cut her pants off to find there was slashes all over her thighs. They looked like they were made with a box cutter. The slashes spelled something. When I turned my head to the side it said 'your next.' "What the fuck? Who's next? Me did that mean me? Tell me that didn't mean me." The man looked at me with a horror stuck on his face. He looked away and started working on her leg. I whipped out my cell phone and texted the person that I always knew would answer, but before I could my phone rang. It was Carlos. I answered.

"Did you enjoy your gift at home?" He asked.

"What's wrong with you? Why the fuck did you that to her?"

"She was being a bad girl. My friends and I handled her very well."

"You and them ganged rape her you fucking perverts, You know she is barely alive because of you."

"Will come and get you next."

"You will never touch me, your a fucking bitch of a man." I rethought my words. "Not even a man if you have to rape a person to get some your a pathetic loser and whoever helped you are also, dumb ass bitch." I hissed the words out with acid.

"Oh, ouch that hurt. Kinda stung a bit. Bye babe see you when I come." I pressed my head to the back door and frightfully started to pull my hair. It hurt like hell but I didn't care. What the hell was I going to do rapist wanted me? No the better queston was, why was I wanted by them?

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