Chapter one

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~Y/n pov~

My feet chrushed leaves as I walked through the forest with blood on my clothes. Kate was waiting for me back at my house as I had finished my job. She was an orphan and was one of my best friends.
She would claim she's a lost one because she was a vampire and that god wouldn't accept her since she's different and not human so she's a lost one.

I had left my fathers corpse in the forest and you're probably wondering how and why I would kill him because he's a pig.


It was the end of the day my father walked in my room and grinned.

"Hope your ready"

His voice was raspy and he smelled of alcohol. He had started to take his pants off and had grabbed my arm causing me to glare at him but i couldn't do anything since I was defenseless. I felt tears prick out of my eyes as I had silently begged for him to stop.

Once it was over I was crying my eyes out. That was two weeks ago my father and me had gone forest walking I was taking pictures and had wandered off causing my father follow me.

I had grabbed a bat and hit him in the head knocking him out. I dragged him and tied him to a tree and had blindfolded him. He stirred awake

"what the hell is going on?!"

"Hush little baby dont say a word, mommas gonna buy you a mocking bird..." I sang quietly, grinning. He seemed scared, I smirked and grabbed a nail and stabbed it in his foot causing him to scream in pain.

I took the blindfold off he had stared at me in shock "why..." He asked with tears. I glared at him "did you enjoy slipping your hands in my panties? Huh!?" I yelled at him angrily. "I was a little girl, why would you do that?" I asked him digging another nail in his other foot. He screamed again. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he cried.

I saw his arm and my gaze went to his hand and saw he was trying to grabbed a hammer. I snatched it in my hand and glared at him he had glared at me "you ungrateful bitch!" He yelled at me.
I grabbed a long nail and drove it in his arm. I then grabbed tweezers and a screw driver, I then stabbed the tweezers in his eyes causing him to scream loudly in pain and I then stabbed him repeatedly with the screw driver, minutes later he died.

~flashback over~

I then made it to my house and saw Kate, leaning against the front door of my house. She looked like she'd been there for some time.

She notice me "hey Y/n"she greeted, waving. I waved back "I already got my stuff in my house, you can get yours" she told me. I nodded and had went to my room, I had grabbed my clothes and my belongings and packed them I had came across a picture with me and my mom. I had hugged the picture and packed it I saw a picture of my dad I glared at it and ripped it.

My fingers brushed across a mask with a X on it. I had put it on and put my hair in pigtails (ignore if you have short hair or don't if your short hair can go in pigtails) I then put the mask and I finished packing and had grabbed a small notebook and went back downstairs with Kate.

She saw the bag and nodded to me. We then left the house we entered the forest and went to Kate's house.

Once we made it the house was a small house but big enough for five people. We then walked in, the house had a comfortable atmosphere.
I smiled "Hey, once you're done do you want to go killing?" Kate asked looking at me. I nodded my head excitedly she had laughed and I went to one of the rooms it looked like it was mine since it had my style. I then put all my stuff away.

I then walked out my room and went in the living room where kate was drinking a red liquid. She turned to me and smiled "Ready?" She asked making me nod. We then went back to the dark city where some cars drove by I then looked at the closes house and saw a pale brown house.

I then climbed to the window and saw kate going to a different house. I then heard bed creaking and moans. My face scrunched up in disgust, once the bed creaking was over I looked in the window and saw a girl with a older man in his late 30s, the girl looked to be 17, like what the bloody hell!?

"now leave" the girl demanded. the man got dressed and left. She then got dressed in her bra and panties and then went to sleep I had open the window quietly and landed on the carpet, I grabbed my scissors.

I then sat onto of her stomach and then covered her mouth with a sock causing her to wake up and start screaming. I had slapped her causing her to look up at me she had tears in her eyes. I then dragged the scissors across her skin making it bleed I then put the scissor on her stomach and dug it in causing her to muffle a scream through the sock.

I grinned through my mask and dragged the scissors along her stomach cutting it open I then grabbed her fingers and started to cut them off one by one.

I loved to here her muffled screams and see her tears, I then stopped and went to the other hand there was blood all over my hands I stopped and took the sock out of her mouth and grabbed her tongue I then slowly cut the tongue off and stabbed her in the throat and the blood sprayed all over my clothes which was a black hoodie with a skull shirt and some grey pants.

I then watched her slowly drown in her own blood. I looked at the tongue in my hand and got up and wrote on the wall of the blood on the tongue.

Just keep quiet like a mute
Or your next.... -the shadow

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