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'Ah, it's quite chilly tonight.' Hoseok thought while he was walking down the street. Indeed, that night was quite chilly, however, the sky was clear, no clouds were in sight, even though he liked them, and all the beautiful sparkling stars could be seen. Hoseok smiled slightly as he stared up at the beautiful starlit sky, imagining being one of those beautiful lights.
Some random noises from a street nearby took him back to reality and he paid his surrounding attention for pretty much the first time. He stopped in his tracks as suddenly two cats passed him, one haunting the other one, making weird noises. Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, following the cats with his eyes until he couldn't see them anymore due to the darkness. He chuckled a little before he started walking down the street again. The shops around him were already closed. Only a few coffee shops were still open. He usually liked to spend his time in coffee shops, but right now there were more important things than comfortably spending time in a coffee shop, reading a book or studying and sipping some coffee. No, not tonight. Tonight was one of 'those' nights.

Hoseok continued to follow the street until he reached a building, housing a night club. Hoseok looked at the bright nametag above the entrance. In front of it stood a tall man, dressed in a suit, checking the IDs of the people who wanted to enter the club. It was one of Seoul's most popular clubs, every night tons of people tried to get in, but only a handful managed to. Hoseok smirked as he recognized the man in the suit, one of his best friend's best employees.

Hoseok passed right by the long line of people, walking straight over to the guy, smirking at him.
"Ah, I see. You're needed again?" the man asked him with a concerned smile. Hoseok just nodded, knowing this night would be stuck in his mind for weeks again. The man took a step aside, keeping the other people away from the entrance and giving Hoseok enough space to enter. Hoseok nodded slightly, showing his thankfulness. "You're welcome, Hoseok-nim. Namjoon-nim is, as usual, at his favorite place." The man added. Hoseok smiled a little at him and finally entered the club. As soon as he got inside another man walked over to him and took his jacket from him with a short 'sir'. Hoseok nodded at him as well and entered another door.

The music was loud, too loud for Hoseok's liking, but he would endure it tonight just as all the nights before. It was nothing new to him anymore. He got used to it and at some point he even needed it to remind himself of his responsibilities. Hoseok crossed one of the biggest dance floors to get to a staircase, which was guarded by yet another security man. Hoseok did just as before, smirking at the other one, nodding, getting in. He walked up the stairs walking right into the VIP section. He looked around the room. The light was quite dim, the walls painted red and the furniture was quite expensive. Hoseok took another glance around the room, searching for his best friend. Just as usual, his best friend was sitting at the bar, talking, well, rather flirting, with the cute bartender, Seokjin. Another one of Hoseok's best friends. They all knew each other since many years now, but still Namjoon and Seokjin never managed to get their shit together. Hoseok knew they had been in love with each other for ages now, but both were too stubborn to just confess to the other one. Both of them would rather live in quietness, lonely and probably lost instead of just spelling the words. 'I love you.' Words Hoseok promised to himself he would never ever say to anybody.. again.

Hoseok walked over to his two friends, sitting down right beside Namjoon. Namjoon and Seokjin looked at him at the same time, knowing why Hoseok had come.
"It's this time of the month, isn't it?" Seokjin asked, smiling a little at Hoseok. Hoseok returned the smile, nodding.
"You know, I love both of you, you're my brothers, but I just can't understand why you do this to yourselves." Namjoon stated, taking a sip from his glass filled with some alcohol Hoseok didn't want to know what it was. Seokjin nodded at that, adding some liquids together in a glass and handed it over to Hoseok. Hoseok sighed, taking the glass Seokjin had handed him.
"Don't get it twisted. We don't do this to ourselves, I do this for him." Hoseok said, gulping down the whole drink in one go. He twisted the now empty glass between his hands and looked at the glass. It was too dark inside the room, so Hoseok couldn't see his reflection. For some reasons he was thankful, so damn thankful. There was really no need to see himself in this situation once again, there was no reason to remind him of all this.

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