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"But, I don't love Jimin the way you think I do.. I never did.." Yoongi whispered into the night, staring up at the starlit sky, because he knew Hoseok was somewhere beneath it, just like him.

He walked through one of the many crowded streets of Seoul. It was already pretty late and he really would have preferred to be at home by now, but well, his job was his priority now. After all, he somehow had to pay his rent and for the food he consumed. He was constantly looking up at the starlit night sky, ignoring the people who constantly run into him, complaining about him. There was no reason to spare them any attention. After all, they were in his way and not the other way round.

He headed towards the usual spot where he would have to sell some drugs his boss had handed to him this morning. Usually he wasn't the one to sell drugs, he was usually something like the assassin, but if selling drugs guaranteed him a roof over his head, he would just do it anyways. Don't get this wrong, each bag of the drugs were labeled with a special code so the buyers could be tracked down. He almost arrived at the usual drug selling point, however he stopped in his tracks, in the middle of the crowded street, as he felt his phone vibrating in his trousers' pocket. He grabbed his phone and looked down at the display.

12 unread messages
3 missed calls

He smiled a little as he kept on looking at the display. He knew whom they were from: Namjoon. The only one he was still in contact with, the only one who had his contact number. After that one night at the club, he had cut all ties, not just with Yoongi, but with all his friends. He had made sure that none of his friends would be able to contact him or even see him. The only one he couldn't get away from was Namjoon. They were best friends after all and sometimes Hoseok felt the desperate need to ask Namjoon about the others and how they were doing. Hoseok knew his other friends knew about Namjoon and him still being in contact. Namjoon often told Hoseok that they were asking, almost begging him to give them Hoseok's number or tell them where he was living. Well, Namjoon only had his number, even he didn't know where Hoseok was living now. They had only met a few times when Hoseok had felt like he was losing his grip on reality, but he would never let Namjoon know where he had been going afterwards.

Namjoon also told him that the others envied him for, at least, seeing Hoseok from time to time. But it wasn't that often after all. Every time they met up they would tell Namjoon to get Hoseok to join as well. For a while Namjoon tried, however, he soon gave up on that since Hoseok would always answer with a simple 'No'. As long as he knew they were all doing fine he didn't have to show up, he didn't have to see them. He was better on his own anyways.

Hoseok kept his gaze on his phones' display, arguing with himself if he should read the messages before finishing his job or not. The fact that Namjoon had sent him more than five messages worried him a little and that Namjoon had even called him three times worried him more, so he decided to just call him back instead of texting him. He dialed Namjoon's number and waited for the other to pick up. While waiting he walked over to a wall and leaned on it, watching the people passing by, all in a hurry to get home to their beloved ones. He kinda envied them. Hoseok shook his head at that thought, almost laughing about himself. It didn't take long for his friend to answer the call.

"Hoseok?" Namjoon asked in disbelieve, he had no idea he would get the other to call him by texting him several messages. Namjoon noted to do that more often in the future in order to get to talk to Hoseok.
"Yeah, it's me. What's up?" Hoseok asked, worried that something might have happened. He kept on watching the people passing by while waiting for an answer.
"You would know if you would have read my messages." Namjoon stated, chuckling a little afterwards. Hoseok, however, didn't need that at the moment.
"Just spill it, Namjoon. I have a job to do." Hoseok stated, his voice cold. Namjoon stopped chuckling at that right away and sighed.

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