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I was watching space heros when April came in. I started to watch the show again and I'm starting to wonder why I liked it. "Hey Leo." She sat by me. "Hi." I said still looking at the tv. We didn't talk for a bit. "Leo I need to tell you something." I turned to her and looked at her. "What?" She grabbed me and kissed me. I pulled away quickly and scooted back. "APRIL, WHAT THE HECK?!" I yelled. She flinched a bit but looked me in the eyes. "Why did you do that?" I said. "Because I love you." She said. I felt confusion and anger in me. "What about Donnie?" I again asked. This time she didn't look at me. "April, answer me!" I waited for a few more minutes. Then finally she said "I did like him but then you came back.. And now I like you." I stood up and looked down at her. I stood up and walked away.

'What the heck? I don't like April like that. If Donnie knew we kissed he would be so heart broken.' I thought to my self as I went to the dojo. No wonder why Raph hates me. I've caused so many things. Mikey's nightmares and crying, Donnie's stress and Raph's anger and scars. Now I'm gonna hurt Donnie more. I sat down on my knees and looked down. "Oh sensei... I wish you were here... You would know what to do." I closed my eyes and slowly started to do mediation.

Awhile later I open my eyes and saw April walk in. We looked at each other not saying anything. "Look Leo..." I got up and started to walk away but she stopped me. "Leo I love you! Why won't you love me back?" "Because your Donnie's girlfriend! And that I don't feel the same. So back off." I moved her arm and started to walk again but she grabbed me and kissed me again! I tried to pull away but she held me. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Donnie. I pushed her off and looked at Donnie. He had a look of hurt and had small tears with wide eyes. " Donnie! It's not what it looks like!" I said quickly. He ran up to me and tackled me. We fought and when he pinned me down I saw how hurt he was. "RAPH WAS RIGHT!! YOU SHOULD LEAVE!" April grabbed him and pulled him off me. She got to me and held my head as Donnie got up. I pulled away and looked at donnie. "No Donnie... April kissed me! I didn't kiss her, I don't like her that way." I said. I could easily tell he didn't believe me. He walked out and I heard his room door slam and shouts. "April go away!" I yelled. She flinched and ran out. Donnie had hit me hard and did it fast so I couldn't quite hit him. I got up and then Raph ran in.

He had a look of hate. "You..." He walked up to me and hit me. I fell back on my shell and Raph got on me. "YOU HURTED DONNIE!!" He hit my chest and I flipped him. I slowly sat up and scooted to a wall. I got up and looked at him. "April kissed me! I don't like her back." I said. He growled and ran at me, but I moved to the side and he smack into the wall. He pulled back and threw a paunch at my face. I got the hit and I hit his stomach. I kicked him in the face making him fall down. Before I could paunch him again he rolled away and I hit my hand against the floor. "AH!" I gripped my hand. Raph pushed me down and took my back. He put me in a head lock choke and started to hurt me. I gabbed his arms and tried to pull them down. "I'm not lettin ya go!" He said. I finally sat up a bit and Raph pulled me down making me head butt him. He let go and I rolled forward. Once he was up he had a bleeding nose, lots of bruises and a black eye. I don't know about me but I think I look as bad as he did. But I don't have any blood. We raced at each other and kicked, paunched and did everything we could.


Leo and Raph were both beaten up bad. Leo tried to kick again but Raph ducked and appeared behind him. Leo landed and did a spin hit. He dodged again but grabbed his arm and pulled him over his shoulder and threw him. Once Leo got up Raph tackled him to a wall and finally pulled out his sai's. Leo pulled out his katanas and fought even more.

After awhile they were both out of breath. Both bleeding and hurt. Raph fell to his knees and so did Leo. They took deep breathes and Raph slowly got up and left. Leo was alone and hurt.


A/N hey guys! I hope ya like! I think just 3 more chapter and it's done! But I'm not sure... Whatever! Laters ✌️

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