Chapter 3

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I had walked into the forests just a little ways away from my house. I kinda felt bad for leaving my sister back at the house, but I wanted time to myself. I needed to clear my mind. As I had gotten deeper into the forest the sounds were calmed my mind, I felt calm and like I had no worries. 'Don't forget, you've gotta be home around 1 to get lunch' I thought as I checked my phone.


'good, I've got a little while'

35 minutes later

I was making my way home after I called my sister when suddenly... I heard those similar footsteps again. This time, they were really close. I started to run but being my clumsy self, I tripped on a rock

"Ughh" I said slowly getting to my feet. I turned my head for just a second and saw a black figure not too far from me. I looked back in front of me and took a dash to get out of the forest. The footsteps just got faster and I continued to check behind and one time I looked over my shoulder the figure was gone but suddenly when I turned around my eyes widened


I knocked right into a tree and when I hit the ground I landed on a rock or something but it knocked me out real quick.

sometime later

I opened my eyes groggily but when I opened them I couldn't see anything in front of me. 'I can't see! Where am I!? I should be at home not in this mess!...Okay Okay. Just stay calm.' It suddenly felt like we were moving
'oh no'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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