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As it goes, Leon never really thinks about the consequences of his actions. So the next day, he has no idea why Violetta seems to be avoiding him. It isn't until the day is almost over that he even thinks about the night before and the kiss. The kiss that somehow managed to change their lives much like Violetta predicted. Leon should have listened. He should have resisted his urges and not given into his desire to kiss her. But at that point in time, he could no longer resist. He's been doing it since he was in high school and he was tired of it.

He had always imagined he needed to wait for the perfect moment to have her. Yesterday was far from perfect. They kissed in a dingy closet for four minutes at the most and were interrupted by Andres. It was nothing like he thought it would be, yet it was like a dream. He would not have his first kiss any other way. Yes, Violetta was his first kiss. Being infatuated with her for four years and trying to get over her during the summer never really gave him the chance to go out and kiss other girls.

So she was his first kiss and now she isn't even speaking to him. It wasn't weird last night. They had walked all the way back to the dorms normally, making small talk as they walked. She even gave him a smile before bed as she wished him a good night. He guesses it was all an act since today she isn't even acknowledging him.

"You seem glum." Lara says, pulling up a chair from a nearby table and sitting beside him. Knowing Violetta wouldn't get back to the dorms anytime soon, Leon made himself busy by going to the library. His eyes shift away from Lara to the stalk of books someone left on the table. Lara pokes his arm, determined to get him to talk.

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem very fine." She retaliates. Leon pushes his hands on the table as he tiredly sits up from his resting position, sighing and meeting Lara's eye.

"Something happened yesterday."

"With Violetta?" It's like she always knows.

"Yeah." He runs his hand through his hair and then rests his head on his hand. "So like we went to a party last night. And we were enjoying our time up until Andres- my friend- suggested we play seven minutes in heaven and things kind of went downhill from there. I... I kissed her. And she kissed back and things were good up until this morning when she completely abandoned me in the dorms. I just, maybe I shouldn't have done it." Regrets are something that Leon deals with on a regular basis. This though, is not something he thinks he should be regretting.

"Oh, you kissed her. You like- initiated it?" Leon nods and Lara nods too. She coughs into her hand, posture losing its finesse as she rearranges herself on the chair. "That's good- great- yeah." Her voice sounds funny and Leon can tell she's uncomfortable. She's been like this more often, especially when he brings up Violetta. He's noticed it this time around and he's still stuck on thinking that she could possibly like him and just be too scared to admit it. He really hopes it isn't true though, for the sake of their friendship, he hopes he's wrong.

"It's not exactly great if she won't even talk to me." Lara pats his back awkwardly. She means for comfort, but Leon is not comforted.

"Talk to her then. Why wait around for her if she's not going to make the first move? Do it yourself." Her advice is actually helpful and Leon smiles at her for the first time since she got here.

"You're right. I'm being a coward by staying away. I'm going to do it. I'm going to talk to her." He's on his feet in three second flat, waving a goodbye to Lara who smiles sadly after him. A bit of a turnaround running away from the girl when it's usually the girl who runs away from him.

The dorms are easy to reach when he's running so he makes it in under ten minutes, labored breathing clouding the halls as he makes it up to his floor. He stops short at the door, trying to figure out the best course of action in this situation. Violetta will probably be passive and try to leave the second she sees him so he has to be ready for anything. He sticks his key into the lock, praying Violetta isn't already at the door ready to rush out if need be.

He barges into the room, quickly closing it shut and covering the door in case she wants to escape. When his eyes scan the room, he groans when he sees the empty state. She's not even here. She'll have to come back eventually though and he'll be ready. He stands by the door, pacing back and forth as he waits for her to walk through. Any minute now she'll walk in and Leon will lock the door to prevent her from trying to avoid the pressing issue. It sounds terrible, the way he wants to lock himself in a room with her, but at this point, it's really his only option if he wants to make things work.

Leon doesn't know how long he's been on his feet, but he's tired, feet aching from all their movements. He wants to lie down on his bed and sleep since it's dark out now. It's late and Leon has had a mentally exhausting day and would prefer a nice nap. But he knows if he goes to sleep now, he'll miss his chance. So he waits. He waits and waits and-

The door is being pushed open slowly. It squeaks from age and he can hear Violetta mumbling about the noise. He slowly creeps back to makes sure she doesn't see him since any light that had been inside the room was provided by the midday sun. As it is now night time, the sun is gone and light is scarce so Leon can hide in the shadows. She quietly shuts the door, probably assuming Leon is asleep. She starts to tip-toe, but before she can make it very far, Leon is reaching out and holding onto her waist. She screams out and Leon throws his hand over her mouth to silence her. When he thinks about their current position, he quickly scrambles back up, goes to turn the light on and voices his apologies for being such an idiot and scaring Violetta half to death.

"I'm sorry, this probably seems really bad, but I just wanted to talk. You've been avoiding me and I don't like it." Her silence has Leon moving closer, gently getting into her space this time. She seems defeated as Leon approaches, minimally scooting backward until she hits the wall. "Please, can we talk?"

Living With My Crush - LeonettaWhere stories live. Discover now