nope it won't work....someone help me make a muffin smiley >.<
Daddy said that concrete and grass are my life now...they give me food, water, shelter, entertainment...
In case you didn't realize it, my dad's a landscaper...
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | | | | | |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^___________________$$$$$$$$$$$$
the dollar signs were kind of random lol
I'm typing this at 8:03 at night and I'm trying to put down the brightness on my kindle but I know in the morning it's going to be so dark I can see anything... >_·
that was me with an eye closed lol
^^^^^^that was random lolol
(0-0) --|___| so I'm here with my kindle in the middle of the night
(0-o) --|___| it's 8:07...4 hours until the middle of the night
(-_- ) --|___| so like, not the middle of the night
(>.< ) --|___| it is kind of late now...
(^-^ ) --|___| I should put my kindle away...
(>_· ) __|'''''''' Good night!!!
Lots of Criticizing (Sequel to Bunch of Criticizing)
HumorThe sequel to BUNCH OF CRITICIZING!!!!