Chapter 9: I Can Smell Your Fear

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Pic of Hayle^     My woman crush, by the way.

1/2 of the double update that I promised!

Hayle's POV

Damn. Is it morning already? I'd never slept so well in my life, and I didn't have my usual nightmares. I tried to get up, but was pulled back down by none other than a sleeping Shayde.

The hell?!

The memories of last night flooded into my head. Dammit, I told him my name. I kept my name under wraps because of Adonis. He thought I was dead, and he would find me if he knew I was alive.

Adonis scares me. He was like the fatherly figure I never had, until he decided it would be better to use me and my sister sexually. I never felt at ease or safe around another man, but somehow I felt safe around Shayde.

Safe. Something, I haven't felt in years. I've been running for around six years now. Maybe, just, maybe, I could be content here. I believe that Shayde can protect me with how powerful and strong he is.

"Good Morning, little one." His husky morning voice brought shivers down my spine. 

"Good Morning, big boy." I smirked. He growled playfully, before moving so that he was hovering over me.

"Want to try that again?" His deep voice made my cheeks flush. Damn him! 

"Good Morning, little boy!" I wiggled out from under him and shut myself in the bathroom.

"Love, you're not going to get away with that!" He shouted from the other side of the door.It became eerily silent in my room after a few minutes.

"Shayde?" I called through the door. When I didn't receive an answer, I opened the door a crack to peak out. Hmm, he must have left. Oh well! I crept out cautiously, hoping he wasn't hiding. 

I was picking out my outfit, when rough, large hands grabbed my waist. The hands pushed me against a wall, after turning me so I could look at my captor.

"My love, you cannot expect to me to let go of that so quickly." He began to slowly kiss my jaw and place light butterfly kisses down my neck.

"If this is my punishment, I should piss you off more often." 

"This isn't all of your punishment." The mischievous twinkle in his eyes made me suspicious of what he had planned.

"Oh?" I questioned innocently. Before he could respond, my hand shot out and cupped his bulge. I gently squeezed, while teasing him.

"Fuck, Hayle." He moaned at my touch. I pulled away abruptly and ran out the door leaving Shayde to calm himself down. Wow, that was way more fun then I had expected. 

Grabbing the pre-made cinnamon rolls, I popped them in the oven and continued on to cook the sausage and eggs. 

"FOOD!" The boys' skidded to a stop when they reached the kitchen. They turned their heads to see what I had made for breakfast.

"Damn, the woman can cook!" Jaxson exclaimed.

"Shayde makes us have oatmeal or cereal in the morning. He doesn't make good stuff like this!" Ashe said. 

"Hey! I've made nice breakfasts before!" Shayde argued. 

"Who said I was sharing?" I raised my eyebrows in question. They dropped their heads and gave me their best pouty faces.

"Really? Are you guys all four years old? Fine. I'll share, but only if you all clean the kitchen afterwards." I smirked at their shocked reactions.

"Clean?!" They exclaimed in unison. I nodded my head, a devious smile making it's way onto my face. 

"Fine." They grumbled. I clapped my hands happily before dishing them up. I swear these boys have bottomless pits for stomachs.

"Have fun! I'm going to check on a few things online. I'll be upstairs in your office, Shayde." Before they could complain, I left the kitchen and headed to the office to check my email.

Crap job offer.

Shitty job offer.

Fuck that offer.

Deleting the offers, I paused before deleting one when I saw who it was from. I opened the email, and the words sent  fear through my veins.

Dear Menace,

I know where you are.

I am coming for you, doll.

I can smell your fear from here.

Your friend,


How the hell did he know where I was and that I was alive?


Hello Beauties!!!

Well, then, I think this so called Adonis is going to be wreaking havoc (see what I did there?) in our lovers' lives.

Just wait for the next chapter.....big things, big things. 'Let's out evil witch cackle.' Until next time!


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