Chapter 11: Everybody Prayin' That I'll Change

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It does get a little steamy in this chapter. You were warned!

Shayde's POV

I woke up before her, and gazed at her. She was beautiful when sleeping, pink lips parting slightly as her even breaths came out. She began to stir in my arms before sitting up in bed screaming.

"HAYLE!!! It's okay! It's just me, Shayde!" She looked at me, and shook her head in attempt to rid herself of the nightmare. Jaxson burst through the door with his gun out.

"Boss?" He questioned, confused when there was no sign of trouble.

"It's okay. She just had a nightmare." 

"Jaxson?" My love turned her attention to him.


"Why are you in your boxers with minions on them?" She started laughing uncontrollably. It was a beautiful sight, seeing her eyes light up with humor. Her laugh was angelic.

"I-well. I was sleeping, and I heard a scream. I just jumped out of bed to defend boss, if needed." His face turned red.

"So-so if you were naked, would you have ran over here? I mean, it wouldn't be a bad sight." She started laughing again, falling back on the bed. Jaxson's stormed out, embarrassed, and slammed the door.

"You don't get to see him naked. I'm the only one you will see naked, and I'm sexier then he is." I hovered above her, keeping my weight of her with my arms.

"Aw, are you jealous? My big, bad, gang leader is jealous!" She started to laugh, but it quickly turned to a moan when I found the sweet spot on her neck. I sucked harshly at the spot, giving her a hickey.

My hands traveled absentmindedly to her chest. She arched into my teasing touch, when my fingers brushed her hardened nipples.

"Sh-Shayde...please.." She whimpered. I smirked in satisfaction, knowing that I was the only one that could see her like this. Adonis was momentarily forgotten, when the the lust started taking over.

I looked at her asking permission to take her shirt off. She nodded, looking at me with eyes glazed over with lust. Her shirt was thrown across the room. I proceeded to tease my beauty by taking one of her nipples in my mouth, while gently massaging her other breast. I let go of her nipple and kissed my way up her neck to her ear.

"You are mine. Not his. Not anyone else's. You. Are. Mine." I growled in her ear before I kissed my way down her neck, in between her breasts, and down her toned stomach ending at the waist band of her sweats. I looked at her for permission, and again she nodded her head. Just as I started to pull them down, someone knocked at the door.

"What?!" I growled harshly.

"S-sorry boss, but, uh, a man is here saying that he needs to see his daughter?" I looked at Hayle who turned pale and started to shake. 

"Did he give a name?"

"Hayle." I was pissed. Adonis will not get his hands on her.

"Tell him that we don't know anyone named Hayle. We do not permit women on the premises." 

"Yes, Sir." I heard his retreating footsteps go down the hall. Turning to Hayle, I saw fear in her eyes. There was a point where I believed that the woman people called Menace had fear or could feel pain. 


"He beat me until I was unconscious, made me bleed, and gave me scars. Before him, my so-called father beat me then raped me. He tried to rape me again, and I shot him. I cannot go back to a life where I'm just a possession to be used." I saw the emotion flee from her eyes. It was replaced with the same coldness that I was met with when I saw her for the first time.

"Hayle?" I was angry. How dare someone hurt her like that? I would find her father and kill him. Adonis was already here, stupid man. I would make him scream in pain.

"Don't call me that." She got up from the bed and retrieved her t'shirt. I watched as she walked out of the room, grabbing the gun on my dresser before leaving. I quickly threw a shirt on a followed her.

"What the hell are you doing here, Adonis?!" Walking to the front door, I saw her pointing the gun at Adonis' chest.

"I am here to clear a few things up with you, my dear."

"Clear what up? That you abused me and my sister? You kidnapped her! You expect me to just listen to you? Give me one reason as to why I shouldn't shoot you right now!" 

"First off, I did hurt you and I am sorry-"

"A little too late for that." 

"I know, I did those things for a reason." I wanted to fucking punch him and break every bone in his body, but I knew that we should hear what he had to say first.


"I hit you, yes. I am sorry, but you need to listen to me. Someone is coming for you, someone you know well. I hit you because I was trying to keep you from becoming who you are now, a killer and a strong one at that."

"Why the hell would you care?"

"Once you made a name for yourself, you attracted their attention. This person wants you dead. They thought you were already dead until you started killing under the name Menace."

"Why should I trust anything you have to say?" She sneered.

"I came here, knowing very well that your new boyfriend would want to kill me, but I came anyways. I risked my life to give you the truth."

"Where is my sister?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen her in years."

"Liar! You sent me pictures and videos! Explain that one!"

"That was not me, someone could have easily disguised themselves. If you don't believe me kill me!" He stepped forward so that the barrel of the gun hit his chest. I watched as Hayle took the safety off of the gun. Before she shot, she aimed at his shoulder and pulled the trigger.

"I believe you, but that doesn't make me hate you any less. You hurt me." Adonis stood there grasping his bleeding shoulder. She disappeared upstairs, leaving me with this repulsive man. Jaxson and Ashe stepped forward to grab him.

"Fix his shoulder and put him in the basement."

"Yes, Boss." The replied in unison. Everybody was praying that I'd change, but I was still the cold-hearted mafia boss.

For now, I needed to make sure that my girl was okay.


Hello Beauties! 

So many surprises revealed here and many secrets to unfold! Hmm, Adonis....Love him or hate him? Can't wait for you to read the next chapter I'm currently writing!!!!!! Until next time!


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