Chapter 8:

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"You must be Karina." The man said. He leaned his mask close to Karina's face. "I must say, you're by far the most beautiful girl I've ever been payed to kill."
"Get the hell off of me!" Karina spat. She tried to struggle, but the man was quite bulky. He was holding her down with his knees, and keeping her arm down with his left hand while his right hand held the knife to her neck. There was no escape. Suddenly, the other man who was shot with the sound gun got up slowly. Karina groaned in annoyance, realizing the gun was low on power. The man on top of her looked over at him.
"I'll handle the girl, Hawk." He said. "You go and find Martin."
"Roger that, Eagle." Hawk replied. He looked down at Karina and sneered beneath his mask.
"Stupid bitch." He muttered. He unsheathed a machete and walked through the door. Karina kept struggling, trying to move in his direction.
"Don't you dare hurt them!" She shouted. Hawk stopped walking.
"Them?" He asked. "There's someone else on this ship?"
Karina stopped talking. She knew she screwed up by mentioning that there was another person on the ship, but refused to give any more information. She wouldn't let him find out that the president's daughter was on the ship. Hawk simply shrugged and continued through the door. Meanwhile, Eagle grabbed Karina by her chin and moved her head to face him. She pulled away, but she couldn't move.
"Now, while he's killing Martin," Eagle said, "you and I are gonna have some fun."
Karina was pretty sure she knew what he meant by "fun". Her struggling intensified, until he moved the knife closer into the skin of her neck.
"If you struggle, you're only going to make it hurt more." Eagle hissed.
Karina quickly developed a plan. The gun was still in her hand, and she knew there was another battery for it somewhere in the room. Right as Eagle tried to advance himself upon her, she spat in his face. Even though he was protected by the mask, it distracted him long enough for her to bring her leg up and kick him in the groin. He grunted in pain and dropped the knife. As fast as she possibly could, Karina grabbed the knife and stabbed him in the leg. As he was yelling and writhing in pain, she used all her strength to push him off of her. She only had a few seconds to act until he pulled out the knife. Running to a shelf at the other side of the room, she managed to locate a battery for the gun. She loaded it into the gun and aimed it at Eagle, who had just pulled the knife out of his leg. He didn't get to do much else, as Karina pulled the trigger, completely incapacitating him. She breathed a sigh of relief.
"As soon as I get up, you're dead!" Eagle growled.
"Oh, shut up." Karina spat, placing the gun in a pouch on her belt. She wanted to deal with him now while he was incapable of moving, but she had bigger things to deal with. She had to save Martin and Jade.

Jade watched through the keyhole in the closet as Martin confronted Hawk. As soon as he heard the assassin approaching, he commanded Jade to stay in the closet so she wouldn't be noticed. Hawk had only appeared a few seconds ago.
"So, you're with the League of Silence?" Martin asked. "I assume you're here to kill me."
"That is correct." Hawk replied, giving the machete a few swings. "However, I prefer to kill with honour. I will allow you to fight for your life, if you'd wish."
Martin smirked, removing his hat and scarf. "Your leader must not have told you. I never back down from a challenge. I've never lost one either." He said as he removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black baton handle. He flicked the baton outwards, and it extended into a long metallic telescoping blade. It was a bit longer than Hawk's machete.
"En garde." Martin challenged. He aimed the blade at Hawk, placing his other arm behind his back.
"Indeed." Hawk growled. He roared a battle cry as he ran at Martin and swung at him. Martin blocked the swing with his blade. He parried the machete and sliced his own blade down, almost catching Hawk's cloak. He sliced once more and thrust forward. He was using fencing tactics. Hawk dodged every swing. He spun around and brought his machete down at Martin, but he blocked it again.
"You're not a bad fighter." Hawk admitted. "I've been waiting for a worthy opponent for some time."
"It appears I'm going to wait a little bit longer." Martin said. He flicked his blade up again, this time knocking the machete out of Hawk's hand and into the air. Martin grabbed it and pointed the blade at him.
"Looks like I win." He said. "Now get off my ship."
Hawk did not comply. Instead, he jumped into the air and kicked Martin in the face, sending him flying into the closet door. The impact made Jade yelp in surprise. She quickly covered her mouth, realizing she may have just alerted Hawk to her presence. Luckily, Martin stood up in time to cover the door, and Hawk didn't seem to notice.
"What happened to honour?" Martin asked, wiping the blood from his nose.
"I'm simply defending my own." Hawk explained. "You insulted me by defeating me. And now, I'm going to kill you."
At this moment, Martin realized he had dropped both the blade and the machete. Hawk picked up the machete and walked over to him. Martin was trapped. There was a closet behind him, a bed and dresser next to him, and Hawk was in front of him. He gulped. Hawk raised the machete, ready to stab him, when he suddenly flopped over. He collapsed to the ground, groaning in pain. Martin looked up, seeing Karina in the doorway holding the sound gun. She ran over and hugged him.
"Excellent timing, Karina." Martin complimented.
"Are you alright?" Karina asked.
"Not a scratch on me." Martin joked, wiping even more blood from his nose.
"What about Jade?" Karina continued. "Is she alright? Where is she?"
"Aww, you care about me!" Jade said from the closet. Karina looked up and scowled at the closet door.
"Hush up, brat." Karina snapped. Jade giggled from the closet.

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