Outside the snow falls softly, a change from the early storm the night before. It glistened under the lone street light in the middle of the street and outside your house. A small gust of wind lifts some of loose snow off the ground adding to the chill in the air.
Inside on the other hand, you were all warm, the fireplace roaring quietly, giving the room a soft glow. You were on the couch, a cup of warm hot chocolate in one hand, your other being held gently by your boyfriend. The Christmas tree in the corner of the living room added a little color from the blinking lights. You and him decorated it at the beginning of the month, after the first blizzard that kept you stranded in the house for a bit. You didn't mind though.
It was getting late and you were worn out. Going from party to party, visiting your parents, visiting his parents, seeing the boys, giving Louis his birthday AND Christmas presents. It was nice to just lay down on the couch and be warm with Niall, just sitting in the silence. Not a awkward silence, but a nice peaceful silence for once.
You sigh happily and snuggle closer to Niall. He smiles and wraps a arm around you tightly, pulling the soft blanket over you.
"Hey Reygen?" He asks. You look up into his beautiful blue eyes.
"Hmm? What Ni?"
" Are you happy?"
"What? Of course I am. Why would you ask something like that?"
"Oh nothing, I was just making sure." He smiles kindly and leans down kissing you gently.
You pull away a tiny bit, to make sure he wasn't lying. But before you can tell, he is up off the couch going over to the tree. The presents under the tree were all neatly wrapped, waiting for Christmas morning to come so they can be opened. Niall bends down and picks up a small package, wrapped in a blue paper. He turns around and goes back over to you, sitting back down in his spot. He smiles and pulls you close, Taking your hot chocolate out of your hands, he replaces it with he small present.
"Merry Christmas, princess."
"It's not Christmas silly" Just as you say that, the old clock in your dining room starts chiming, signaling 12 o'clock, or Christmas morning.
"Now it is." Niall says with his priceless smile, "Open it up."
You turn back to the present and tear the paper off in small bits. You feel Niall next you tense up with nervousness so you quickly tear the paper off to see what it is.
A black box about the size of a journal sits in your hands. You study it a little before lifting up the lid. Your breath catches as you see whats inside.
Niall bits his lip, " D-do you like it?" he asks nervously, watching you carefully for any subtly hints of you not liking it.
You continue to look at it. Inside the box was a locket. It was gold with etchings like vines around the edges. You pick it up carefully, as is if you were afraid to break it. You flip it over and see another etching in the middle of the locket. It read
Is breá liom tú
I love you
You feel tears come from your eyes, happiness building up inside you. You open the locket and smile even more. A picture of Niall is in one of the sides and in the other is a piece of paper. You carefully take the piece of paper out of the locket and set the locket back in the box. Unfolding the paper you read
Dear Reygen
I love you more then everything in the world. Maybe this little locket will help when I'm gone for a long time or you just need someone. I'll always be with you now.
You quickly turn to Niall, who has the most loving and worried face in the world right now. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him deeply. He smiles and kisses you back, pulling away a little.
"So I take it you like it?" He says questionably, not positive he is right.
"I love it." You beam, looking back down at the note and the locket. You couldn't have asked for a better Christmas present. Niall smiles widely back, and wraps his arms around you, pulling you in a warm hug.
"I Love you Reygen."
"I love you more Niall."
" Happy Christmas princess."
"Happy Christmas Ni."

Little Imagines
Fiksi PenggemarLittle Stories people ask me to write up. If you want one just ask :)