Hope's pov:

Well today is the day.

I am extremely nervous, I dont know what's going to happen I don't know if I can have control most of the things that happen. What if nobody talks to me and I'll be all alone for the rest of the day, that will be horrible.

~In therapy~

There were 3 chairs and a chair in the middle were my psychologist was and I sat in the one in the middle hoping (A/N:jaja did you get it...no... Her name is hope) that the people here will be nice.

So as I sat there, through the door came this really pretty girl

And she sits to my right and she starts to stare at me, so I stare at her

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And she sits to my right and she starts to stare at me, so I stare at her.

"Hello" said the pretty girl.

"Hi?" i said more like a question.

"You have pretty eyes" she said with the cutest smile ever.

"Thank you, you have a pretty smile" I said honestly.

"Are you lesbian?"she asked me.

"Yes. Are you?" I asked her smiling like a dork.

"Well, yes I am, but your lying" She said pointing a finger at me.

"No, I swear I'm not lying" I said in a defensive way.

"Seriously, but you don't look like your lesbian " she said eyeing me suspicious.

"Yeah, just because you're overweight doesn't mean your not anorexic or the other  way around" I said honestly

"Well, I think you're cute" she said blushing

"Well, I think your pretty" I said blushing as well

"Well kids lets start therapy, first we will start introducing ourselves and a feeling word to describe your mood" said the psychologist.

The boy that sat on my left said that his name was Henry and that he felt 'descent'. Then was my turn I said "Hi, my name is Hope and I feel... Nervous" then it was her turn, I can't wait to know her name "My name is Emma and I feel empty"she said looking down at her lap

Empty? How can she feel like that, I would've never imagined a girl so pretty would feel like that... Like me. I am determined to help her and make her feel full and happy so she can live her life. I don't know why but I got a good feeling about this.

~at home~

Well this day turned out better than I expected. When I got home mom decided to take interest in me and asked me how it went in therapy "alright, I think" I said shrugging my shoulders not wanting to talk to her.

I went upstairs to my room and jumped in bed trying to think what just happened in therapy

I dont get why she feels empty, Because I have reasons why, because I'm ugly, fat, repulsive, a burden, a waste of space...

But, she isn't neither one of those things, well she's blind because she called me cute. Well maybe some people may think that I'm pretty others think I'm ugly. And she happens to be one of the persons that think I'm pretty and I'm thankful for that.

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