The_Grey_Ninja says i dare emerald to sing a love song to you!
emerald: yesh
*grabs some paper and a pencil and start writing a love song for chichi* 2 hours later emerald was done with the love song*
emerald: i am done with the love song but where is chichi
hi emerald!
emerald: hello chichi can i sing you a song
zion: i heard song can i take a video
*people starts to crowed me*I runs away to find a spot that is much more quit and emerald chases me to that spot*
emerald: "I love you soooooo, i love you so, when i look at you i see a beautiful girl and i wanted to you know i love you so much and when see you every time my heart pounds a lot and i wish you would feel the same about meeeeeee."
Wow emerald that was impressive i don't like it!
emerald: oh ok :'(
emerald: yessssss
*hugs emerald*
bye emerald
emerald: bye chichi see you around!