Avoiding the bad boys

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The rest of the day after lunch went by smoothly, they didn't try and talk to me again although I could feel their stares on me throughout the day, due to the fact that at least one of them were in all my classes so I couldn't exactly avoid them. Jess had noticed me looking around like a maniac whenever we walked through the halls, I told her to come over tonight and I'd explain everything. And that's how i end up in the parking lot of the school waiting for Jess to come out of school, she stayed a little later to ask a teacher something. When she came out she looked extremely happy, I'm guessing whatever she talked to the teachers about went well. We got in my car and headed home, the whole way talking about anything and everything and of course singing our hearts out to out favorite songs.

As I rounded the corner to my street I saw three motor bikes in my drive way, the first black with a fire pattern, the second black with a silver pattern and the third red with a black out line of a skull near the back. The three boys leaning on the bike however where what caught the majority of my attention, of course, you guessed it. There standing in my drive way were the three boys I had been ignoring all day.

Jess had been texting so didn't notice them at first, but soon looked up when she realized the car had stopped. She looked at me with confusion etched on her face, noticing that I was staring straight ahead, she followed my gaze.

Her eyes widened significantly at the sight of the boys in my drive way. Thankfully they hadn't noticed us yet so I put my car into reverse as soon as I could and slowly backed away, hoping not to make any noise that would attract their attention. "What the hell ash? What's going on?" I looked at Jess, in all honesty I had forgotten she was there, right now my mind was fully focused on getting away from here, I shook my head signaling that I wasn't going to speak just yet. We drove for another five or so minutes before we arrived at a near by Starbucks, I hoped out the car and Jess did the same. Once we ordered our drinks and were sat at a table in the corner Jess began to speak, "ok, spill, you've kept me waiting long enough, what the hell is going on? Why were the bad boys at your house? Why did it freak you out so much ? And why did we leave?"
"Let me tell you the whole story and all your questions will be answered along the way" she nodded her head in agreement, "so this is why I wanted you to come over, it all started at lunch......" I recalled all the events of the day going into incredible detail.

When I was done Jess just stared at me with wide eyes, after a few minutes silence she had finally soaked in all that I had told her. She opened her mouth as if she were going to say something but shut it again and stared off into the distance with thought. A few more minutes of utter silence passed, I actually enjoyed it because I was able to think about the events of my day, unfortunately the silence was broken by the sound of my phone, notifying me of a message.

I got out my phone and looked to see who it was from, I was shocked to see it was from an unknown number, I quickly opened the message and read it.

Unknown number: "hey princess, did you think your little disappearing act would work? You can run but you can't hide ;) see you soon - Nick"
Me: "what do you mean, I didn't disappear, I'm out with a friend. And what do you mean by see you soon and that I can't hide ?"

I started to panic at the thought of him finding me when I had finally found some peace and quiet.
Another beep notified me of a new message.

Nick: "look up princess"
As soon as I read it my head snapped up, my worst fear came true, my eyes immediately made contact with three smirking boys walking my way. Jess, obviously having noticed the fear in my face, turned around and saw the boys walking in our direction. She turned to me with a worried look and mouthed 'what the hell do we do now?' However, Before I had time to answer her, we had three boys sitting at our table. Jess let out a small whimper of fear as they sat, this earned a chuckle from all of them.

I glared at Nick and began to whisper shout as not to attract attention "dude what the hell!? Are you stalking me!? How'd you have my number!? I already told you I don't want to be a part of your little game!"
He simply smirked "now now princess, don't get all defensive, we simply followed you to talk, not stalking technically. And your number was easy to get a hold of, all we needed to do was ask one of your friends from school. And about the game, oh my dear, you don't really have a choice. We made it look like you did, just to seem polite, but in actual fact you can't stay away from us. We will always find you" the other two nodded in agreement, smirking.

"Uuuhhh" I let out an annoyed grunt, purely because I knew I couldn't get out of it, their the bad boys. Of course they won't give up, they get what they want, even if it is by force. Beside me Alex chuckled, I sent him a glare, daring him to carry on. He immediately shut up and started to stare at his hands instead. I smirked at my accomplishment in making a bad boy feel uncomfortable.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Nick clearing his throat. "What do you want?" He looked taken a back by the bitterness that laced my voice. "Come on princess-" I cut him off before he could carry on "don't call me that, I'm not your princess, I'm not your anything. My name is Ashley so use it" I said with an angry huff, he smirked before continuing "ummm, no, I think I'll stick to princess thanks. You can't do anything about it princess, so rather leave it at that" he paused and looked directly into my eyes before carrying on "before you ask, we chose you because you're.... Well different from all the other girls, you couldn't care less about us. All except you are obsessed with us, so we decided we'd change that"

I let out a laugh that had no humor in it what so ever "I stand by what I said earlier, your ego really needs to be taken down a few pegs, like a few hundred pegs" his smirk dropped at my words and he looked as if he was about to speak but before he could I carried on "and just because I don't swoon over you doesn't mean you have any right to try and make me, it's never gonna happen buddy. So before your ego takes a beating from me I suggest you leave with your pride still intact" throughout my rant I could see the anger rising in his eyes, I had hit a nerve.

Before I could carry on he got up and stormed off without another word. I felt them looking at me, Jess had a mixture of shock and awe in her eyes as she stared at me while Jake and Alex just stared wide eyed at me, "you can leave now, or do you want me to point out what's pathetic in you like I did to Nick?" They both shook their heads furiously and pretty much sprinted to the door.

I turned back to Jess who had a huge smile on her face "damn ash, where did that come from? That was awesome!" She stared to laugh hysterically but managed to get out "omg the look on his face though, pure gold, why didn't I video it" In between her laughter.

I couldn't help it, I joined her and we laughed for a good five minutes.

Hey guys
How is it so far?
It's un-edited so there will be a few mistakes here and there, if you see any please tell me in the comments and I'll fix them as soon as I can.
Thank you <3

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