The Reunion

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^^^^^ no relevance to the story, my friend asked me to put it. This is me and two of my closest friends. I'm the ugly blob in the middle (lol)^^^^^^^

Hey my lovelies.
Back again, thanks so much for all the support you guys have shown, means so much to me xxx how'd you find the last chapter? Ready to discover who's behind the anonymous POV ? Sorry I haven't been updating regularly, schools hectic, I swear my teachers are trying to kill me... Any way on with the story...


>>Ash POV<<
"Beep beep beep" the screeching noise of the alarm clock shattered the silence of my room.

Lazily I rolled over, leaning over and shutting off my alarm. 7:01 am, why the hell am I awake!? It's a Saturday I should be aslee- oh shit wait, it's an hour till I go meet with Nick!!

With new found energy I spring out of my bed and rush to my closet. Grabbing matching undergarments I race to the bathroom and start my shower. I quickly shave and wash my hair with my favorite vanilla and coconut shampoo and conditioner.

I get out, dry myself off, slip on my black lacy undergarments and walk out back into my room. Putting on my iPod and playing Panic! While I start getting ready.

After towel drying my hair for a minute or so I pull out my blow dryer and begin to brush and blow dry my hair. Once satisfied with my hair straight and dry, I walk to my cupboard and begin hunting for an outfit.

After much consideration I settle on my ripped black shorts, Panic! At the disco tank top and my black ankle boots. After getting dressed I go back to the bathroom to start my makeup, humming along the the music blasting through my speakers. Applying simple eyeliner, mascara, blush and lip gloss. I put on a thick black choker and put in my lip ring.

Back in my room I unplug my phone, checking the time, 7:45 am. This gives my just enough time to make my way to the coffee shop. I look at myself once more in the mirror, satisfied with how I look I walk out the door and to my car.

>> Nick POV <<

It's 8:00 and I'm sitting at the coffee shop alone. Why isn't she here yet? Has she chosen not to come? Deep in thought about my love I just stare off into the distance, only to be pulled out of my haze of thoughts by a high pitched feminine voice.

"Hey cutie, what's a guy like you doing here sitting all alone?" She said with a seductive smile, I gave her a once over noticing just how slutty her outfit was. Her dress came only just past her underwear line and the top had such a low cut that I'm surprised her boobs weren't falling out.

"I'm not going to be alone for very long, my girlfriends on her way" I said with a bored expression "oh and if you intend on picking up guys I suggest you not dress like a slut they can buy on the side of the road" well that pissed her off, she grabbed my coffee and threw it at me, staining my white shirt. Then she stomped off.

Great, just great, here I was trying to look all neat and presentable for Ash but now I have a god damn coffee stain on my shirt. Angrily I grab a few Napkins and start feverishly rubbing my shirt. Again I'm pulled out of my haze, but this time to the sound of the most adorable giggles ever.

Quickly I snap my head around to locate the sound, and sure enough there stood my love laughing at me. I jump up and pull her into the tightest hug, holding her as if to tell myself that she was real. She started laughing more and it's like music to my ears, I always want to be the cause of her laughter.

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