the beginning

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One night on corruscant there i was packing my things ready to leave when one of my brothers woke up, its Fives and he asks me what im doing, i tell him that  i'm leaving

fives gets up "why are you going ?"

I look at him "you know how i feel ner vod, we're just pawn on a holochess board"

fives just sits on his bed "i agree but if you go AWOL you'll have the death squad after you, do you want that ?"

I finish packing my things "no but i have no other choice"

fives thinks for a moment "i'll give you two days head start that's all i can give ok"

I say goodbye then leave

and that was how it started now almost a year later i'm still on the run and may have found a way to mandalore via a cargo ship heading there

I find the ship and before i get on it i look to see if anyone is around and there isn't so i stow away aboard and hide in a cupboard

once the ship takes off i fall asleep until i wake up to the sound of landing gear and i know we're there so i get out and once we land i run out onto the landing pad and hide before anyone can see me and then i make my way into town and after about a week i get a surprise when i bump into Fi, omega squads sniper, i see the letters on his head and stay away from him, i manage to fit in on mandalore and find work doing a bit of bounty work and all is well until the bounty on this twi'lek then everything goes horribly wrong.

A clones tale: The AWOL trooperWhere stories live. Discover now