on the edge of space

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when we land infront of the ship i curse so much it would make kal skirata's swearing sound like a jedi master has learnt discourse "shabla aruetsii, don't you EVER do that again Tayli'bac" she just brushes off her clothes and smiles "i could get us to ul hutta" i scowl at her "get lost selencia we're going in my ship" i unlock the ship and get attacked by a astromech droid "T-58 get off me".

 Isoltra just laughs at me as I get attacked by my droid and finally get up "get in the ship" she goes in and i follow closing the door and go to the cockpit and take off into the atmosphere and a warning light starts flashing "shab just what i need, T-58 shut down engines 2 and 3 and power down to minimal on engines 1 and 4 while i do repairs, Isoltra suit up we have some work to do" she walks in and frowns "whats wrong ?" i grab two suits and hands isoltra one "engines 2 and 3 are malfunctioning we need to head out and fix them" i grab my tool belt and put it on and heads to the air lock "how do i know you won't just come back in when i'm out there and fly off ?" i smile at her "you trying to give me ideas ?" she walks into the air lock with me and then go outside to the engines and i see whats wrong "great the damn controll chips are broke, i'll be back in a sec" i go back inside to get the parts i need while isoltra just waits outside the ship wondering what we'd look like to other ships then i come back out "isoltra you can go back inside while i finish up" she nods and goes back inside while i fix the ship but i notice something odd and go over to it and realizes its a imperial tracking becon "oh shab" i grab the becon and scramble inside the ship and to a cannon and puts the tracker in the cannon and fires it  and isoltra looks at me as if to think: what the hell is he on ? "isoltra we may have company, old palps got a tracker on my ship" she looks at me "palpatine ?, why woud he bother with you ?" i go to a storage box and pull out my old ARC armor "i was in the Grand Army of the Republic but i went AWOL and have been on the run ever since, even the imperial army is after me" T-58 beeps over the intercom and the color from my face drains and isoltra says "im guessing thats not good" i head towards the cockpit "no its not good at all" isoltra follows me to the cockpit and pits in the co-pilots seat while im pressing the controlls "T-58 stealth mode" the droid plugs in and the ships comp asks for a conformation code which i type in "so let me get this strait, you're a clone" i frown as she says it "yes i am" she looks at the scanners "umm we have company" i look at her and smile "we see them but they don't see us" T-58 beeps in agreement "how is that possible ?" i chuckle a little "a little upgrade i put in" T-58 beeps asking where we need to go and if he can shoot the star destroyers "we need to go to ul hutta and no you cannot shoot the star destroyers" T-58 beeps  and isoltra looks at me "ordo can i ask you something ?" i set the auto pilot and make the jump to hyper space "sure what is it ?" i look at her "why does your employer want a 13 year old ?" "i don't know but he just left me a message saying that since i killed one of the people he wanted he's going to kill me" Isoltra looks at me "will he kill you or will you kill him ?" "i'll kill him" she smiled at that "well i guess it'll be fun to watch" i look at her "yes, for you maybe it will, one question though" she looks at me "whats that then ?" i smirk "can i borrow one of your lightsabers ?" "if i give them to you how do i know i'll get them back ?" she raises an eyebrow "i promise you'll get them back when i have finished with them" T-58 beeps informing us that we'll be there in 20 minutes "thank you T-58" isoltra looks out the window in a daze "isoltra you feeling ok ?" she looks at me "huh, oh yeah i'm ok" i look at her "you don't look ok" isoltra unclips her lightsabers and hands them to me "here but i will want them back" i take them and clip them to my belt "you will get them back " the smirks at me "i'm sensing you don't like lightsabers much" i look her in the eyes "only if i can trust the person using them" isoltra grins at me "oh you can't trust me at all ordo" i raise an eyebrow at her "do you want me to cuff you and lock you in the prisoner hold" isoltra smirks "you can try but you won't get far" T-58 beeps telling me not to try it "shut up T-58" isoltra giggles then looks at the droid "why did you just ruin my fun" T-58 beeps and whistles and i roll my eyes "you two are going to be my worst nightmare aren't you?" T-58 beeps saying yes and isoltra, being somewhat sarcastic replys with "oh no we're going to be your favourite dream" i raise my eyebrow "i highly doubt that" isoltra giggles and the ship enters ul hutta's orbit.

A clones tale: The AWOL trooperWhere stories live. Discover now