Chapter 3. The feeling

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Stephanie came home one day to a chilly house. She turned up the heater to 20• below the highest. Its still cold! So Stephanie decides to run a hot bath as she running it it she decides to go downstairs and get a drink so that's what she does she made some tea and that took sometime to make so while she waits for her bath to run she sips her tea because it's scorching hot so she doesnt want to burn her mouth!!

By the time Stephanie finishes her tea and decides to go check in her bath she is infuriated by a tap on her shoulder. No one is in the house with her. She stops.silence. She breathes in. Then out. Nothing. She brushed it of and decides to go turn her bath off.

Her bath is about 1 centre meter from over flowing. So Stephanie runs over to the bath and tried to turn of the tap they are running faster so she turns them the other way even faster! The water is all over her feet because it's over flowed by now. Suddenly the door slams. The window isn't open. Then it locks itself. Stephanie screams she tries and open the window she can't she tries pulling the plug she can't

Soon she finds the water up to her neck and 2 inches away from the ceiling she accepts she is going to die and she takes one breath....

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