2: After the War

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  How could a chess match be so impossible intense?

The commoner sat across from the nobleman, twitching in anxiety as he surveyed the pieces on the board, which left him in a nearly impossible position. "W-We'll be moving to 20 seconds per move," he squeaked out, stressed by the tension in the environment, but the noble merely smirked, appearing completely at ease.

Just then, a slim, dark-haired girl came into the room, walking confidently, a blue-haired and spunky-looking girl at her side.

"School girls?" the nobleman laughed, not so surreptitiously checking both of them out, but his attention (or rather, his eyes) were focused more on the taller girl with darker hair (or, more precisely, the area between her stomach and her head). "Shouldn't you be in class right now?" A smirk rested on his lips.
The taller girl ignored the man's perversion and scanned the board while replying. "There's more entertainment to be had at this venue."

The girl beside her leaned forward, eyeing the pieces. "I don't know if you can win this one, Lelouch!"
Lelouch merely sat in the chair, crossing her right leg over her left, causing her skirt to slide up an inch on her thighs, which the nobleman noticed. "Rivalz, how much time do we have?"

Rivalz checked her watch. "Twenty minutes, and that's pushing it, Lelouch. Do you think you can-"
"I'll only need nine," Lelouch replied coolly, her eyes resting on her pieces before meeting the nobleman's. "Whenever you're ready to lose."

He smirked. "Like I'd lose to some overconfident bitch like you. But it's not a quality that I dislike...in other...what did you call it? Venues." He grinned, but Lelouch just raised an eyebrow.

"You're cutting down on my time. Do you want me to be late to chemistry?" She batted her eyelashes, and the nobleman growled in his throat.

"Fine, fine." He grinned as he moved his piece. "Your turn."

With a faint smirk, Lelouch picked up the black queen and moved it forward.

"You lead with the queen?" the nobleman scoffed. "Perhaps a girl like you should stick to chemistry and domestic arts."

Lelouch just leaned back in her chair as though it were a thrown. "Your twenty seconds are ticking."


"Eight minutes and thirty-eight seconds! A new best!" Rivalz crowed as they left, slapping her good friend on the back. "I'm glad I'm on your side. That guy looked pretty pissed, though!"

"He's not the first, and he won't be the last," Lelouch promised with an empty smile as her mind floated elsewhere. "Now, let's get back and catch the beginning of chemistry."

"Right on it, Lelouch!" Rivalz started the engine on her motorcycle and slipped her goggles over her eyes. "Next stop, school!"


On the way, Rivalz leaned slightly towards Lelouch. "I have to ask, though. Why did you move the queen first? Isn't that the most powerful piece besides the king?"

Lelouch turned her head to look out at the Britannian empire's conquest of Japan in the form of high rises and tall buildings that lay scattered across the landscape, a reminder of a promise she'd made long ago...and her failure to bring that promise to fruition. "If the queen does not lead, how can she expect her subordinates to follow?"

"Well, when you put it like that..."  

My Faithful Pawn: Code Geass Gender Bender [Female Lelouch x Various]Where stories live. Discover now