... Um...

25 5 42

So, this morning I went to hell- sorry. School. Then I got yelled at by my teacher.
"Why didn't you do your homework!?"
I was contemplating suicide.
I was thinking of ways to get out.
I was carving her name into my arm.
"I forgot about it..."

Then, I got on the bus and almost punched a few kids in the face.
"You're parents abused you because even they wish you were dead!"
I know... They don't have to remind me...

And then, I got off the bus and went home. Not to Mori's house.. Not Danni's or Ry's or Ace's... To my parents' house... I don't even need to cut myself anymore... My father does it for me... The only one that will talk to me anymore is Ace... Everyone else has decided to stay away for a while... They say they'll come back.. But I don't really believe them that much... Anyways! Then I went to work... At least that's what I tell my parents... Really, I go meet with my "friends" in an alley and do drugs... I'm going to die soon. I guarantee it. Between the beating from my dad, the beatings from myself, my depression, and the drugs...
I. Will. Die. Young...

I know that I've wasted all of your time... I'd like to hope that I have at least one friend left here... This used to be my safe place, but... Now I'm afraid to even show my face here.. I don't have a safe place.

I'm trying to get better... I hope you are glad... Ace is helping me through. I feel terrible... I'm dragging him down with me...

As of my relationship status... I have no fucking clue. I mean... I'm single at the moment because no one loves me... But, before I fucked everything up... I had Kira... But I'm sure she doesn't even want me saying or thinking about her name... Anyways... She left for a bit. Then I got depressed... And lonely... And one day... Luka and I were teasing Cyan about #Kaian... Then everything happened and I still don't know if Cyan and I were ever dating... It doesn't matter anyways. Kir– She still thought I was cheating on her. That's all that matters.

I hope you didn't just skip all of this.. If so... Then I know that you don't truly care as much as others.

I love you... And I'm sorry...

If you'd like, I'll leave. Just let me know. I'll take all of my shit and leave. I'll get out of your lives and make everything better...

((I hope this helps make it better))

((Also I'm really sorry for being depressed

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((Also I'm really sorry for being depressed... I'll try to fix myself! xx))

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