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(Carlisle's Bio)

Name: Carlisle Bahamed(DJ Carlizzle to some*cough* Coco*cough*)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: (I feel like I need to address this as part of his character) Indian-Arabic. His mother is a majority Choctaw(Native American) and his father is half Arabic, half Indian (South Asian Indian)

Sexuality: Heterosexual(le straight as flat ironed hair.[he kinda comes off as Asexual because he shows a general disinterest in relationships])

Height: 6'2"

Likes: fashion, his job, hair dyes, butts, himself, making peasants look fabulous, all of the colors, rock n roll music, classical music, floofy haired friends, fancy noms, acting tough when in reality he cries himself to sleep while holding his teddy bear, his teddy bear, oriental teas

Dislikes: some(most) people, fast food, nature(ITS ALL OVER ME GET IT OFF), bugs, girls in REALLY high heals, guys who ride those fricking hoverboards I mean come on they don't even hover, Floaty Pigeon, Babies, crop tops, duck faces

Occupation: He works full-time as a stylist at a boutique/salon. He considers himself a master of hair styling.

Personality/Fun Facts:

• He is super narcissistic. No worry bro, it's playful narcissism. He thinks he knows everyone else knows he thinks he is garbage.

• Struggles with crushing depression and social anxiety, but hides it with hair dye, eye rolls, and cook books.

• Every two days, he changes his hair color. If you're wondering, his original color was a dark brown.

• Coco calls him 'Carlizzle' because that's how she read his name the first time she was at the salon.

• He has a teddy bear named "Gare Bear". Carlisle talks to him rather seriously and refers to him usually as 'Gary'.

• His parents insist he is gay... and adopted. But he perseveres through their 'false' accusations.

• Has masters degree in 'Sass 101' and 'Sarcasm II'

• Carlisle likes to keep his mind from wandering to dark places by watching cooking shows or actually cooking.

· Even though he is constantly internally screaming and raging about the imbecilic world around him, he is usually a very chill dude


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