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Maddy's POV

I sat at a bus stop out side a hotel, sometimes if you sit at the bus stop for long enough you can find money or people just give it to you  as they think that you don't have the money to get home. I was in my blue and white stripy shirt and short-shorts. I sat listening to my favret song 'Moments' by One Direction it was dark so nobody could see the tears streaming down my face. But people do still look when they see a figure just sitting there doing nothing I guess people try to avoid me as much as they can. It felt like I was being watch if I made a move they would know, I decided to puse my music and just as I had suspected I could hear people talking, so I quickly wipped away the tears just so nobody could see how broken I have become. I sat telling myself not to start crying again it would be a mistake to cry again I squezed my eyes shut in hope this would stop me from breaking down into a fit of tears. A guys voice could be heard "just go see if she is alright" the guy told someone I guess I mean he can't be talking to himself could he? " Okay okay I will don't stress dude" another male spoke. I quickly replayed my music as if I didn't hear a thing maybe the two will just walk away maybe they wont bother me.

I felt someone tap my shoulder I jump as it did kinda scare me as ear phones fell out, "sorry for scaring you but are you okay" a guy asked I couldn't see his face as clearly as I would like to but I could tell he was from England with the way his voice was, it sounded so femilure though but how I have one friend and that Ashley and I don't even see her anymore it's just too hard. I gave a small smile at the guy "it's fine and I'm fine" I told him in hope he would just leave. I could tell he was smiling at me and I spotted the dimples he had it was quite atractive. "Umm okay but you look like you haven't eaten in awhile and me and my friend where wondering if you would like something to eat and if you needed a place to stay" he told me. I gave him another smile and said "no I'm not hungry and I'm fine if I stay here". the guy kept smiling at me and it was kind of nice to have someone care and to smile at me it's been a long time since someone has cared about my well being infact it's been awhile since someone has cared about me, but why would a random guy like this dude care about someone like me I'm nothing.

"Look I get it you don't know me how can you trust someone you don't know but your sitting here at a bus stop alone and it's dark and cold pluss me and my friend would really like it if you stayed with us" he told me I was about to say something but I was cut off "my name is Harry and my friend over there is Louis so please just stay with us" this Harry guy begged. I shook my head as Harry sighed "if you don't come with us then we will just stay here" he told me blankly. I looked up at this strange Harry guy "no don't stay you probably have people who will worry about you" was all I said as I looked away. "Yes we do but right now we are only worried about you and me and Lou want you to be safe" he told me "thanks but I can look after myself and I stay here most nights so please just leave me alone I'll be fine I always am" a stray tear slowly made it's way down my cheek. But before she could wipe it away Harry cought it "your not fine please let us help you is there anyone we could call to come get you' he asked I simply shook my head.

I felt someone sit by me "hey I'm Louis can you please come with us we'll keep you safe I promise" the Louis guy told me I once again shook my head. "Why" the two asked in unison "you don't want me nobody does" I told them. Louis grabbed my hand and started to talk "I get it you think that we don't want you that we don't care but the truth is us two have seen you here for the last few nights and we've seen you cry all night long and we really want to help and for you to be safe and sleeping at a bus stop in front of a hotel really isn't safe at all so please just come with us" I didn't know what to say "do you have any family" Harry asked Louis was still holding onto my hands so I looked at Harry and slightly nodded my head, "I have a brother but I don't know anything about him I don't know where he is or what his number is I haven't seen him since I was 8 months old so I really have no one" I told the two just over a whisper. I looked back at Louis he had tears in his eyes as did Harry, "come with us and maybe we can find him we will try every thing we can to find your brother and I'm sure he will want to know you are safe" Louis told me I could tell he was about to cry.

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