"Don't bother me."

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   "Ashton, honey, please wake up." Those words filled my ears. I let out a deep breath and rolled onto my other side, indicating that I was still tired. I heard my door creak open, and foot steps inch towards my bed. "Ashton, you have to get up. We have a visitor coming today." My mother said, pulling my blanket off of me. I got a whiff of the cold air in my room and I groaned. "Who?" I asked, rolling up into a ball to stay warm.
   Sighing, I lazily walked over to my dresser. Throwing on black skinny jeans, a Nirvana tee, and a bandana, I stepped towards the bathroom, planning to brush my teeth. I twisted the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge. "Yo!" I shouted, banging on the door. "Yes?" Somebody asked, and I sucked my teeth. Lauren. "Hurry your ass up, Lauren." I replied, walking towards my room, to put my socks on. The cold floor against your feet really sends shivers down your back.
   I heard the bathroom door open, and close. I rushed out of my room, hopping on one foot to finish putting my sock on. I, not thinking, jumped against the closed bathroom door, banging my head and falling to the ground. I groaned and heard a voice from the bathroom. "Who was that?" A boy asked. Harry. I kicked the door, and sighed. 'Whatever. Guess I'll brush my teeth later.'
   Walking down the stairs, skipping every other step, I whistled a little rhythm. "Morning, mum." I said, grabbing a bagel off of the table. "Good morning, Ashton." She replied, pecking my cheek. I rolled my eyes and took a big bite out of the, already made, bagel. "So, who is this "mystery visitor"?" Lauren asked, taking a sip of the apple juice that was placed right in front of her. Mum smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "Well, since Ashton is out mostly all day, every day, I've hired a babysitter for Lauren and Harry."
   "Mum, I'm 19. I'm old enough to watch little kids-" I started, before being rudely interrupted. "Mum, I'm 12, I can watch myself and Harry!" Me and Lauren stood there like 8 year olds who couldn't get the toy they wanted. "Lauren, you're too young. And, Ashton, you're always out with Luke, Calum, and Michael. So don't bother me, saying you can watch the kids, because you never listen to me." Mum explained, me groaning. I didn't bother to argue anymore, so I grabbed my car keys and went out the door, ignoring what my mother was saying to me.
   "A babysitter?" Michael asked, trying to hold in his laughter. I nodded, hitting him in the arm. "It isn't funny. My mum doesn't think I'm responsible enough to watch my own brother and sister." I said, with an attitude. "Is she hot?" Calum asked, raising one of his eyebrows. "Dude, I don't know. I didn't see her yet. But, we could head back to my flat. You know, to plan the party and shit." I retorted, furrowing my eyebrows. They all nodded and we were out.
   I walked up to front door, of this very large house. 'Dang,' I thought. 'Who would need a babysitter if they could afford a house this big?'  My stomach started doing flips, and my hands started sweating. What if I wasn't good enough? What if, what if they hate me because of the way I dress, or the way my hair is? I really need this job, to pay for college. I can't lose it.
   Lifting my left hand up, I took a deep breath, and knocked loudly three times. I pulled my hand back down to my side, having second thought. My anxiety was getting the best of me. I turned around, getting ready to ditch this place, when the door behind me unlocked and opened widely. "Oh, hello!" A woman, looking around the age of 40, greeted me. "You must be Pandora? I've been waiting all day for you! Come in, come in." She said, scooting to the side to give me room to come in. I smiled nervously and took a step in, looking around. I was amazed by how this house was so clean, how does she do it? "Okay, well, I have to get to work in about 5 minutes." She started, looking at her shiny, gold watch. "So, I will have my daughter Lauren show you around. I should be home around 11 pm tonight, so please try and not fall asleep." She chuckled, and grabbed her purse. "Thank you so much, and we are so happy that you would accept this job." Then, she was out.
   Lauren, who I'm guessing, stood up from the couch, and stood right in front of me. "I'm Lauren," she said, shaking my hand. "I guess I'll be showing you around the lovely Iwrin house today." I chuckled and nodded, following her into the kitchen. "This," She started, waving her hands across the room. "Is the kitchen, obviously." We both laughed, and I looked around the marvelous kitchen. Granite countertops, wooden floors, oh my gosh. "Lauren! Lauren! Lauren-" A little boy with dark brown hair came running out from the hallway and stopped in his tracks as he saw me, looking confused. "Who is that?" He asked, pointing at me. "This is Pandora, our babysitter." Lauren said, rolling her eyes. She turned to me, crossing her arms across her chest. "That's Harry, my annoying little brother." I smiled at how their relationship was. They seemed to not like each other, but they had to love each other because that's what siblings do. "Hi, Panda!" Harry said, moving his brown hair out of his dark brown eyes and smiling. He ran up to me and shook my hand, whispering to me. "Watch out for Lauren, she has cooties. You don't have cooties anymore since I just shook your hand." He giggle, running off behind me. He seemed like a lovable little boy.
   "Ashton!" Lauren yelled through a closed door. "Ashton! Come here and greet the babysitter!" I heard a groan and footsteps stomp over to the door. It swung open, and a boy peeked his head out. "What the hell do you want?" The man, with messy, dirty blond hair asked, furious. "This is Pandora, mine and Harry's babysitter. Greet her. Now." She ordered, making him roll his eyes. "I'm Ashton and don't bother me. Bye." The boy, named Ashton, exclaimed before shutting his door. Lauren turned to me, and sighed. "He's always this rude, don't worry."
A/N; This is my first fanfic, and it's probably going to be shitty as fuck, but let's try and see how this goes. Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!!!
Aka Mama 2.0 <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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