Train Tracks

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"Mommy, Daddy look at the rock I found!" I say running over to my mom and her boyfriend. You see we lived right in front of some train tracks that I would often walk on to find rocks. People said it was unsafe and that they shouldn't let me but we knew the train schedule and we knew when not to be on them. Whenever I would find big smooth rocks I would be so happy. If they were good enough we would get some paint and lay down and old blanket we had in our yard. This didn't happen very often but it did every now and then.

We would sit down in the grass on our blanket, my mom, her boyfriend, and I, with the rocks we had collected the past month or so and choose our favorite rocks to paint. That day John had chosen a big, smooth, oval shaped rock for his first one. He painted it royal blue with a black smiley face on it. I kept that rock for a really long time. I remember all of our conversation that day but it seems to personal and important to share. I feel like it's a secret.

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