Chapter 4

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Once the door was shut Grace started talking non-stop. "Oh hi! My name is Grace. What's your name? Oh wait I forgot that it's Audrey. I'm so excited to show you around and stuff. What's your power? Or are you a witch? Maybe you're a fairy!" We were walking down the hall to, wherever we were going. "Well, hi Grace. I think I have the ability to control water and heal myself and people. At least that's what Mr. Benson told me. What can you do?" She looked at me strangely and started talking rapidly again. "I remember my first day too, Mr. Benson really freaked me out. With his British accent and his goatee and mustache. Anyways I can control fire and teleport." She held out her hand and a ball of fire appeared and then she disappeared and reappeared right away. "It's cool I guess, but wait till you see what the other students can do, it's really cool."

We were walking down the hallway when a boy bumped into us. "Oh, sorry I didn't see you there. I haven't seen you before, are you new?" When he looked at me I could see that he was a little taller than me, his hair was spiked up and he was carrying a briefcase. He wore a dark blue leather suit with white lightning bolts on it. Grace had no problem talking for me, "Yeah, she's new. Her name is Audrey," she turned around to me and started talking again, "Audrey this is Joseph, he can control electricity and he can also teleport." she turned back to Joseph and gave him a nasty look, "we better be going, I still need to give her the tour." She turned and grabbed my arm and pulled me with her.

"Why don't you like Joseph?" I asked her when Joseph was finally out of site. "It's not that I don't like him," she stopped hesitant to finish her sentence, "it's a long story. And we don't have time." We were quiet for a while until something broke the silence. "Hey Grace, wait up!" There was a quiet voice, then all of the sudden a girl appeared right in front of us. "You have teleportation powers too?" I blurted out without thinking. "She was wearing the same thing that Joseph had been wearing and she had blond hair. "No, I'm just super fast, I can also control electricity. Hi, I'm Gem! Nice to meet you! I see you've met Grace, she can be fun at times but she can also be a real pain if you talk about the wrong subject. And it looks like you did, what happened?" Gem was talking super fast and she was kind of annoying. "Well, she stopped talking when a guy named Joseph walked up." I could tell by the look on Grace's face that she too was annoyed by Gem interfering. "Oh, that's her ex boyfriend. They were together for a long time, then one day he said that it wasn't working out and then he teleported out of the room. That's all he said, then the next day he acted like nothing had happened and went on his way." This time you could tell that Grace was getting super mad when fire started coming out of her hands and the room started getting really hot. Gem took one look at Grace and realized what she said. "Oh, look at the time I better be going." Gem said nervously and ran out of the hallway. Grace started cooling off and continued walking. I followed her from behind but I kept my distance.

"That was one of your roommates," Grace finally said without even looking at me. I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was still kind of mad. "Okay, who's the other one?" I asked. "Her name is Emilia, she has the power to control nature and she can-" Grace got interrupted by a voice, "turn invisible." Said the voice, I looked around but I couldn't see anyone. Then right in front of me a girl appeared. She was wearing all green and she had brown hair. "Hey Emilia," Grace started to smile again. When she appeared Grace barely flinched, as if she knew she was there the whole time. "Hi Grace! Who's this?" Emilia nodded towards me and stared at Grace waiting for her answer. "This is Audrey, she has water powers and can heal." Emilia was way more calm than anyone else that I have met. "Nice to meet you Audrey," she smiled then looked back at Grace, "so we're roomies?" She smiled and then disappeared. "Wow," I said looking at Grace, "you didn't even flinch when she appeared!" She looked back at me and said, "you get used to it." Grace smiled.

We started walking again. I wasn't paying much attention and I realized that we had been walking for a long time. "When are we going to get to the room?" I asked Grace. She looked a back at me and said, "We're almost there, just a few more feet," she smiled and then her eyes started glowing and a portal opened up in front of us. You could see through it, there were a bunch of doors in another hallway. "Follow me," she said. We stepped through the portal and it closed behind us. "That was cool!" I said, for the first time I smiled for real.

"Get out of the way!" a voice said behind us, we both looked and a girl with wings was flying out of control and was hitting the walls constantly. We ducked and she flew right above our heads and crash landed into the floor in front of us. "Hi Anna, your flying is getting better." Grace came over to Anna and held out her hand to help her. "Is this another one of your friends?" I asked. "Yes, Anna this is Audrey, Audrey this is Anna." Anna was wearing a light blue leather outfit with white clouds on it. "Anna controls the wind, and she can fly." Grace looked at me and chuckled. "Well, I better be off. Oh and there's a meeting in the lunchroom in nine minutes." Anna started to fly again, she ran into a wall but kept flying and went the other direction. 

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