Chapter 18

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We drove along and came to a stop. In front of us was a hut, it was made from branches and leaves. It was probably only about five feet tall. Mr. Benson turned the engine off and opened the doors. Silently one by one walked off, when we were all off we stood there not knowing what to do. Mr. Benson took a step forward, he walked up to the door and knocked slightly. Duncan moved in front of all the girls getting in an attack stance. Grace shoved him out of the way and lit her hands on fire. The rest of us got ready to attack the moment someone answered the door. No one answered so Mr. Benson slowly pushed open the door. The fairies stayed on the bus while we followed in.

The room was dark, there obviously wasn't any electricity in the Forbidden Forest so the only thing that would light the home was a candle. There wasn't any candles though. The home looked abandoned, there were cobwebs and the one room house was trashed. "May I help you?" A voice asked in the corner of the room. Everyone looked in different directions. "He's over here!" Grace yelled pointing at one corner of the room. "No, he's over here." Gem said pointing near the table. Whoever was in here, even if he was in here, was using some sort of magic to duplicate his voice in different areas of the room. "I'm over here," he said laughing maniacally.

Mr. Benson stood there calmly, "It's me Nick, James Benson." Everyone stood quiet. "James is that really you?" He said, candles started to light all around the room. He was standing right in front of us the whole time and we didn't even realize it. Mr. Benson started towards him and they hugged. "Nice to see again James, I hope you haven't brought trouble like last time." Nick smiled then laughed. "What can I do you for?" He said walking back over to his chair where he was sitting. "These are some of my students, The High Wizard is after me and them and we need to disappear." James said. We were all still standing ready to attack, I don't know why but I had a bad feeling about this guy. "You can stay as long as you need, I have some disguising magic you could use when you leave." He left the room then soon returned with about ten glass jars. "Here's all you'll need, I hope he never finds you, he is very powerful and you guys probably wouldn't be able to take him on." He said handing the glass jars to Mr. Benson. "Okay guys, were sleeping on the bus tonight. Right when we see the sun we leave." Mr. Benson said walking out the door.

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