There you are!

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Adrian's pov:
"What do you mean you lost her?" Plagg shouted
"I can't find her, ever since Natalie came inside my room she disappeared!" I responded
"How can a human disappear!?"
"I don't know, she just did."
I kept on searching the floor frantically for Marinette. I still couldn't find her, which I'm confused on where she went. She couldn't escape, she was on the table and there's no way she jumped down.
"Where did you have her last?" Plagg asked
"On the table, which I don't understand how she could've gotten off it. OKAY MARINETTE IF THIS IS JOKE ITS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!!"
"There's no sign of here on the table." Said Plagg
Ugh, where could she be?
Marinette's pov:
Okay, I managed to escape Adrien's room, but his house is the real challenge. His room was big enough, and his house is ENORMOUS! It's going to take me days, no, weeks!! Maybe even months!! Surly Adrien would notice then. Well, there's no point of just standing here and complaining about how long it's gonna take, I better get to it. Before Adrien realizes I'm not in the room.
"Marinette, where are you?" I heard Adrien say from inside his room.
Oh boy, I better start now. I start to walk down the hallway and saw two hallways. One going to the left, and the other to the right. 'Okay Marinette, go with your gut.' So, I went right. I walked straight ahead until there was another hallway which I had to turn left. This is going to take me ages! I looked up at the wall, and stopped. There were pictures of Adrien modeling. He's so hot!! Do I really need to run-- err get that thought of your head, of course you have to run away. Adrien is too dangerous at this form, besides he's going to think you're just a worthless little bug. I kept on walking forward for awhile.
15 Minutes Later
I've been walking for what feels like 20 years! My feet are aching, and my legs hurt so bad! Maybe I should take a break? But, what if Adrien comes out and sees me? Maybe I should just suck it up, and keep going. Yea, I'm going to have to put on my big girl pants and keep going.
"Yes, sir."
I all of a sudden heard loud thumps that shook the floor. I looked behind me and saw feet coming right towards me!
Adrien's pov:
"She's no where to be found, we've checked everywhere." I said sighing in defeat.
"I just don't get how I managed to lose her that quickly, I'm supposed to be watching and protecting her. And I fail by just losing her!"
"Hey, Adrien I think found something." Plagg said
I walked over to Plagg who was by the table.
"I think this might be a clue." He said.
I looked down to see a string tied to the vase, that led to the ground.
"So she did get down from the table." I said. That smart cookie.
"It's pretty clear that she's not in this room either." Plagg said
"That means.... She's out there." I said looking towards the hallway.
"I'm coming to get you Marinette." I said
I walked out of the hallway, and started to look down towards the ground. I'm going to find you Mari, don't worry you'll be more safe with me. I looked up and saw Natalie on her phone. Probably talking to my dad.
Marinette's pov:
The shoes are coming closer to me! I recognized those shoes actually, I look up and saw it was the lady who 'helped' me escape Adrien's room. I looked around to see where I could hide. I saw that I could dash back towards the hallway corner, but that would mean I would have to go pass her. Shes coming closer, and I'm running out of time!
I took a deep breath.
Closed my eyes.
I ran right past the gigantic lady, and hid behind the corner of the hallway. The lady kept on walking and talking on the phone, she kept doing that until she was gone once again.
I let out a sigh of relief. I was about to go down that hallway again, until something came right infront of me, blocking the way, causing me to stop in my tracks. I looked up and saw Adrien staring down right at me with his arms crossed. Oh this is a catastrophe.
Adrien's pov:
When Natalie was walking by I saw something run pass her and went behind the hallway corner wall. The same hallway I was going down. I looked harder and saw that it was... Marinette!
I found her! She looked out towards the direction Natalie was going down, and started to slowly walk. Oh no she doesn't! She's not getting away again! I put my foot right infront of her, causing her to stop. She looked up at me with surprise.
Marinette's pov:
I can't believe he found me! Now he's just staring down at me, looking at me cold and hard.
"Well well, look at what we've got here." Adrien said
I gulped.
"I'm surprised that you managed to get down from the table, AND get out of my room without me noticing right away. May I say I'm impressed."
I kept silent.
"Do you have anything to say?"
Still not talking.
"Mmm, well before Natalie comes back, we need to go back to my room. Where it's safe."
No! I didn't want to go back to his room! I can't live with him! I want to go home! I want to be with my mom and dad!
I got snapped out of my thoughts when I saw one of his gigantic hands come for me. I yelped and started to run.
"Wait Marinette, come back!" I heard him yell
I kept running and running till I hit something. It was warm and soft. I bounced off of it, and landed on the ground.
"What the-"
I looked at what it was and saw it was a hand. ADRIENS HAND! OH MY WORD I JUST RAN INTO ADRIEN AGGRESTS HAND!!!
"Are you okay?" He asked with his gentle voice.
I looked up and saw his face looming over me, causing me to yell. He put one of his fingers over my mouth causing me to shut up.
"Shhh, if my father hears you he will kill you and me!"
I kept wide eyed and looked at his beautiful forest green eyes. Suddenly I felt my body be lifted up off from the ground. I started to scream some more in his fingertips.
"Easy, I'm not going to drop you." He said.
I kept screaming. He sighed and started to walk. I felt and heard his every step.
We reached his room, and closed his door. He sat down at his desk, keeping me cupped in his hand.
"Okay, I'm going to let you down. Please try not to scream." He said
He set me down on his table, and I immediately started to scream. What? He said 'try' to not scream, and I tried. Therefore I did what I asked him to do, I tried, but failed. He tried to reach for me, probably to keep me quiet, but I got up and started to run to the end of the desk. I failed, by tripping on my own two feet and falling flat on my face. I groaned in pain. Then suddenly, I felt two fingers pick me up, from the back of my shirt.
"Are you okay?" He asked looking concerned.
That's all that came out, instead of real words. He then let go of my shirt, and started to just stare at me. I was happy yet freaked out by it. Happy, that he was looking at me, yet freaked that he was looking at me.
Adrien's pov:
I don't know what to do with her. She should know that I won't hurt her. We're friends after all! She just looks at me like I was some sort of monster. I understand her being frightened by my size, but she should know I'm her friend and won't do anything bad to her.
"Well..." I wanted to end this awkward staring. Even though her eyes are cute..... I MEAN!!!
"H-how long am I going to be like this?" Marinette asked.
"I-I actually don't know. I'm guessing when Ladybug cleanse the akuma."
Marinette's pov:
"W-why can't I see m-my family?" I asked
"Well, it's too dangerous for you to go home at that size. Your parent could accidentally bake you into pie or something like that."
I gulped and got a shiver up my spine at that thought.
"Don't worry, Chat Noir said I must protect and watch over you, and I'm going to fulfill it."
Oh Chat... I should've never trusted your judgement.

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