Chapter 1

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"Get down! B.D.A.! Come out with your hands up!" A large, dark haired man yelled. He had used his wand to blow the door off the hinges, and was now using it to illuminate the dark room he now found himself in. A much smaller woman followed behind him, her wand drawn as well.

"Do you see anything?" She asked, stepping in front of him. He stuck his arm in her path, signaling for her to stop moving.  A slight shuffling sounded from a passageway off to their right. The man glanced over at his partner, silently asking if she had heard what he had. She let out a breath of air that she hadn't noticed she had been holding, and nodded. He put his hand back to his side and nodded.

The two crouched down the hallway, their wands now dark. The announcement of themselves, along with the darkness and sounds of movement, lead them to believe it was justified to now go undetected. Anyone who wasn't of danger would have answered them, if they didn't have anything to hide. And in this line of work, there were only two types of people: Innocent Civilians and Dangerous Criminals.  Whoever was there had been made away of the Auror's presence, and, because they didn't answer, was now considered latter.

The two made their way to the end of the hallway and put their backs to either side of the door frame, their wands in front of them.

"If you can hear me, come out with your hands up. I am Officer Caimiro Goyle, and I am here with my partner, Kelly Poole. Put any wand or other magical objects or weapons on the ground before doing so. Any failure to do so will result in use of force from the Department to apprehend you. This is your last chance to come out without resistance and to avoid an additional resisting arrest charge. "As the woman finished yelling, the shadow of a small framed female rose up from behind a crusty looking sofa, her hands in front of her body.  Caimiro stepped forward into the room. "I said, put your hands in the air!"

"I'm not the one you want..." The woman's voice was strained, and shook every few syllables. She was on the verge of tears.

"Hands in the air! "The man repeated his partner.

"Listen to me! He's in the house! He's going to hear me! Us! He has a-" The woman stopped, her eyes widening. She let out a scream, freezing in fear before coming to her senses and ducking down behind the sofa once more.

Before Caimiro could turn to see what had caused the sudden terror, she took a hard whack to the back of the head. She hit the ground, stunned and disoriented. Poole sprung forward, tackling the man to the ground. He began wrestling with the man as he struggled. After a few moments, Caimiro finally sat up, blinking and rubbing the back of her head.

"Poole! Poole!" She sprung to life, jumping to assist. He grabbed her handcuffs off of her belt and clipped them around the man's wrist that were now being held behind his back. "We've got him. Miss, please come out now, with your hands up. You aren't in trouble, but we need your hands up for everyone's safety." Behind her, Poole rolled the suspect over. A knife lay on the floor where his torso had once been. "Miss, you have to come out." She repeated, walking over to the sofa and looking behind it. The woman was nowhere to be seen. She cursed. "She's gone."

"Of course she's gone! She was the one you were after!"

"Shut up." Pooles pushed the man's face back to the ground.

"No, no. Let him talk." Caimiro made her way back to them, and squatted. "Why do you think she was the one we are looking for?"

"Because," He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "I was the one who made the call."

"The caller was a woman, try again."

"Okay, I didn't call. She did. But she started it. She had a knife."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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