Chapter 10

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Violetta has only been in bed a few hours when her phone rings. It isn't an emergency ring, but she checks the number so she knows who to curse out when she sees them next. The first three digits tell her it's a Stark phone.

She picks up, "Hello?"


She recognizes the voice, "Thor. Why are you calling?"

"Loki. Is he with you?"

"No. We said goodbye last night."

Thor sighs, "I am calling you on his phone. He left it here."

"Well he won't exactly need it while he's wandering the universe. I doubt there are cell towers between worlds."

"Did he tell you where he was going? Jotunheim? Alfheim? Svartalfheim?"

"He said he wasn't going to lure Thanos to a world where he'd kill millions. That's all I know."


"You woke me up to ask me the obvious. He's not here. He's not anywhere I know. I saw him last on the sidewalk as I went to talk a kid out of jumping off a bridge. He went the other way."

Thor is clearly struggling with his thoughts, she can tell by his voice, "Oh. I...I hoped...I hoped he would change his mind."

Violetta sits up, "Would you like to meet me for coffee so you can talk this through? I don't go in the office for a few more hours. And since I'm up, I'd like some caffeine."

"No, but thank you. I must return to Asgard. Father has sent for me."

"Take care of yourself."

"Did he...did he say anything else?"

"He said a lot else. He feels guilty for his mother's death. He thinks he's alone. He feels like he has no home. And he knows he can either die when he's executed in Asgard or die out wherever Thanos gets him. But I don't think any of this is new to you. You were looking for something else. Something about you."


"He said that if he dies alone somewhere between worlds, you can always just not know and hold out hope that he's still alive somewhere." She pauses and yawns, "Sorry. I don't think he wants to hurt you. I think he wants to avoid that at all costs. No long goodbyes. No making you watch an execution. No finding his body. I just think he sucks at trying to tell you he loves you and he's too damned proud to admit it." She doesn't know if it's at all true, but it is what Thor needs to hear.

"Thank you. I will find him. And I will defeat Thanos. My brother will not flee forever."

"Be careful, Thor. I think it would be even worse for him if you died while chasing him. He'd have one more death to feel responsible for and it would be one as hard as his mother's."

"I understand. Goodbye, Violetta. I hope I can bring him to you once again- he seemed more himself these past few days. I know he was growing fond of you."

"Goodbye. Take care of yourself."

"I will." He hangs up the phone. She tosses hers aside and falls out of bed, stripping out of the clothes she wore the night before. She dresses carefully- long black skirt, long black silk tunic split up the sides, held together with delicate ties, and a black scarf to cover her hair. It seems appropriate for a woman in private mourning. She picks up her suitcase and heads to the coffee shop, hoping against all hope that some day he will once again meet her there.

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