The Hunger Games book 1

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  • Dedicated to The cast of the Hunger Games

Chapter 1

When I wake up suddenly, I hear the cries of Prim. I jump and out of bed to see Prim in bed with her wet ,painful tears and screaming at the top of her lungs. Ok, of course she she did, this is the day of the reaping. Where my mother, Prim, and me live in is district 12. Nicknamed the Seam where it is crawling with coal miners heading out to the morning shift. The reaping is not until two. Prim and mom may as well sleep in. If they can. " SShhh, it is ok, it is ok, I say. It is your frist year of the reaping, there is no way they are going to pick you."

" They can't", Prim says.Prim  whispers in my ear and asks if I can sing to her to sleeep." Deep in the meadow, under the willow, a bed of grass, a soft green pillow". Prim begins to join in." Do you remember that song", I asks." Well, I will see you soon, I got to go." Where?" Prim asks." I just got to go I will be back soon, I love you", I whispher back.

As I walk out of my small house, I race down to the lake, and into the forest to find my bow and aarows. I spy a small deer, I get my bow ready and pull it back. When I start to pull back the deer runs off. Then I pick up a small rock and it hits a tree and the deer walks along to hide in a small bush. I see the deer I pull back once again and shoot I hear the sound of Gales voice. " What are you going to do with a hunderd pound deer Katnip." Damn you Gale", I say in madness. Gale laughes as if it was funny. " Its not funny", I say. " What where you going to do sell it to peacekeepers", he laughs in question. " Yes, and you don't sell to peacekeepers", I ask. " No not today."

" That was my frist deer in a month now I have nothing." Sorry Katniess but you do have birds", he says. He pulls up a small rock from the forest floor and thorws it. Some small birds fly up and out of the bush but I shoot one bird and Gale and I laugh. As we walk out of the forest we make it back to the grassy meadow.

" So the reaping is today, and about how many times is your name in the reaping bowls", I ask. " Ummm...42... how about you?" About 20 times", I say. " Well Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor." I arrive at the market I spy Greasy Sae I give her the bird that I had shot earlier that day and in return I get a mockingjay pin and I think of Prim at the time.

I make it back home and I see some boys and girls heading down to the square. I get get home and I see Prim in a white shirt and dark green skirt with her hair into braids. " Oh,Prim look at you, look beautiful, but you better tuck in that tail little duck."  My mother tells me that she picked out a blue dress to wear at the reaping. As I walk into my room where Prim and I sleep I see the dress. I dress myself and my mother does my hair. " I wish I looked like you", Prim says. " Oh, no I wish I looked like you," I say.

The horn of the start of the reaping honkes outside. Then I tell her about the Mockingjay pin and as long as she as it nothing bad will happen to her. Prim and I walk to the square and she sees the check in line it is very long but she also notices that the peacekeepers will prick your tumb.

" Katniess does it hurt," Prim askes.

" No but just a little not much,' I tell her. " Now go in line and then with your age group we will meet up after the reaping," I say. I get pricked and go with my age group and Effie Trinket comes to the stage and says...

" Welcome, Welcome and Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor, now the time as come to choose one man and woman to go to the 74th annuel Hunger games. Ladies first," says Effie. Effie pulls out the name and it reads " Primrose Everdeen."

Chapter 2

 As I am in shock prim makes her way to the stage. I yell back, " Prim, Prim I volunteer, I volunteer as tribtue.' I beileve we have a volunteer," Effie says. I tell Prim to go find mom but Gale pulls her away. I start to make my way to the stage." Come on up dear, now what is your name," Effie asks. " Katniess Everdeen," I say in sadness. " Well I bet my hat that was your sister, was she not," Effie asks once again. " Yes she is my sister," I say. 

Then Effie moves on to the boys. Effie pulls out the name and it reads " Peeta Mellark." I look to my right at the boys side and I see Peeta walking slowly to the stage with the peacekeepers at his sides. Effie says a speech and after words takes us to the Hall of Justice. We say our good byes to our families. Prim, Gale, and mom come in and we say good bye and they tell me good luck. Prim gives me the Mockingjay pin and Effie comes into the room and takes Peeta and I to the train station to get to the capital of Panem.

 The train door slides open and we look in amazment at all of the deserts, drinks, and the large dining table right in the center of the sparkling silver room. I think about the first time I met Peeta Mellark. It was a rainy November day. I was sitting next to a tree and I see Peeta walking out of the village bakery. Peeta and his mother are standing outside and then beats him on the head I frown when I see her do that. Then she walks back into the bakery and Peeta feds the pigs and chickens. Then he looks out into the rain and sees me beside that tree. Peeta walks into the rain and to the tree he gives me a big loaf of bread. I smile back then he smiles back too. We say hello to each other and tell each others names.

I remember that I have to hurry back home and eat with Prim and mom. I say good bye and leave. Then Effie starts talking on and on about the Cpital and Haymitch our menture. Then she gets up to go find Haymitch. Peeta and I are leaf in an ackward slience. Then Peeta asks" Have you ever met Haymitch?" I say" No have you?" Peeta shakes his head. After that Haymitch walks in and we stop our chatting. " Congrats", Haymitch says. I think he was drunk because he was dizzy and he had a large drink bottle in his hand.

He asks " Wheres the ice?" Peeta and I shurgged. And Haymitch sits on the same chair that Effie sat in earlier.  Once he sits Peeta asks "So whats the plan?" What wait you are so eager most of you hate to talk about this stuff." Well you are our menture you are supose to tell us how to get spaunsers and give us advice," Peeta says. " Oh well, umm imbrace the possiblety of your death and know in your heart that there is nothing I can do to save you," Haymitch says in a sneakering voice.

Then I say " Why the hell are you hear then?" Oh well for the drinks," Haymitch says. Peeta gets up and takes the drink out of Haymitchs hand walks over to the window then opens the window and throws the drink out of the train. Peeta and I both start to giggle but Haymitch gets up  and has a big rage face on and walks out of the room with 3 very large drink bottles in his hands and goes to his room. Peeta gets up and says " He is going to come around." Wait it is no use, " I say. 

Chapter 3

 When I wake up I begin to walk down to the dining room. I look into the room looking at Peeta and then Haymitch siting at the table. I slowly walk into the room and Haymitch and Peeta are talking about something something to do with the games. " Well thats a good way to get killed," Haymitch says.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2013 ⏰

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