Chapter 15

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3 days passed. I was due to go home in a couple of hours. Every single one of the boys had individually came in and attempted to apologize but I didn't budge. They were making excuses for themselves, and I was over it. I closed my eyes and sighed. I heard the door cream open slowly, then close softly and and a single pair of light footsteps. George.

"Fuck off George." I growled.

"Ang, I don't care if you hate us. To be completely frank, you have the right to. We love you more than words can even begin to describe, our hearts have grown to accommodate you and they yearn for your love and approval. Are you going to allow the past to damage our family?" George asked woefully.

A ball formed in the back of my throats and I buckled under the pressure to forgive him. Being mad at your father that you owed your life to - lie or not - is the hardest thing one can manage.

"You're placing too much pressure on a 17 year old girl." I said, trying not to cry.

"We don't mean to, love. This wasn't how you were supposed to find out the reason behind your adoption. The boys and I were idiots back then- spiraling down a track of drugs and shame. You saved us, love."

"You haven't a clue as to what it feels to be left on a doorstep at an orphanage at 4 years old. You don't know the heartbreak of someone admitting they'd be better off without you! You don't know me, George. You don't know the consequences of your actions. You have no idea of how you lot impacted my life. If somethin' hurts you, it hurts me too." I wailed, finally cracking under the weight. I wanted to be loved. I want to be wanted.

George crouched down to my eye level and held my hand tenderly in his.

"Darlin', we'd fly to the moon and beyond just to see you smile. We adore you more than anything we've been dealt. More than fame, fortune, hell! Even our lives. You mean so much to us. I would take a bullet for you, as the others would do the same. Ang, I just want to know if you will ever forgive us." George poured his heart out to me, seemingly genuine and I couldn't take it anymore.

"I c-can't trust you. How could you possibly expect me to handle this if you ever told me?" I choked out.

George sighed forlornly, rubbing his right temple. A habit I loved.

"We knew you would react in a manner appropriate. But we never anticipated you to find out this way."

I blinked away tears from my stinging eyes, and sniffled.

"I've been so selfish and a total prat to you lot. I'm ashamed of the way I behaved. I honestly do appreciate everything that you've done for me. Will you forgive me?" I sniffled, a hint of a smile prancing upon my lips.

George weakly smiled back at me, swiping a tear from his cheek.

"Of course I do sweetheart. More importantly, do you forgive us?"

With those words, I felt the void filled in my heart.

"Yes. I forgive you." I smiled.

George attacked me in a bear hug.

"The leg!" I cried out.

"Oh yeh sorry. I forgot."


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