He is out

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Look who is going to update. Lmao, me-

  Your alarm went off at 8 am, you were tired but knew you had to get up and do some housework, shopping and you had promised (Y/B/F/N) that you would go visit them. It has been awhile. So, you threw the covers off and sat up, rubbing your left eye. That's when you remembered. Google. You then hung your head with frustration. ‘Fuck’ you thought ‘How can I just leave that idiot here without ruining my household. I guess I will just have to bring him.’ You hated both choices but if you cleaned your house and left him here, who knows what he would do. You then sighed and stood up to stretch. A part of you was looking forward to today, but the other part of you dreading today. Your best friend had always been there for you and you have always been there for them. You have known them for 15 years, they had also helped you out of your last relationship.

  Your last relationship is a long story. You had been with the male for 4 years. You got out of the relationship last year, he was abusive. All the rest of your lovers had been kind and caring, but he was different. He had cheated on you multiple times and said if you left him he would kill you. You are always scared of leaving your house, in fear that he would try to go to your house and not find you there. You kept it all in, hidden. One day you broke down in front of (Y/B/F/N) and told them everything. They contacted the police and put him in jail. Not for a lifetime, but a few years or so. You were happy that they have been there for you, your friendship would last a lifetime.

  For a little backstory on your friendship, you met in second grade. You were jealous of their skills in art. So you had a small hatred for them, then. But in 3rd grade they were getting bullied so you helped them. After you told off the bully, you then took them to a room called the ‘focus room’. The room was made for calming down or if you were sent there because you got in trouble. You and them sat down and began to talk, you both realized you had things in common. After that you became best friends, going to each other's houses and spending time at school. You did everything together, and you still do. You love them like a (Brother/Sister). And nothing would change how you feel about them. Even if they did hate you you always love them.

  To continue on with your day, after you stretched you stumbled to the bathroom. You then stripped yourself from your clothes and turned on the shower. You put it on the temperature that you normally use and stepped in. You begin to do your normal shower activities. Cleaning yourself, washing your hair, shaving (if you do). After about 30 minutes you had gotten out and dried yourself. You wrapped the towel around your body and walked to your room. You did find it slightly odd that there was no sound, after you got dressed you would definitely have to check that out.

  You had gotten in a (F/C) hoodie with a black beanie and dark blue pants. The hoodie had (Y/F/S or Y/F/B). (Y/B/F/N) had gotten it for you. They always knew how to please you. A smile had made its way to your lips as you wore the hoodie. “I still love this. It is warm for this cold weather.” You said to yourself as you sat down on you bed and slipped on socks. Falling back on your bed you let out a happy sigh. Before sitting up you breathed in the welcoming scent of your room. You quickly put on your shoes and lazily walked out your door. Walking into the living room you found Google laying on the couch looking on his digital screen. “Come on Google, we need to go.” He groaned and obeyed as he stood up and waited. “I swear if you screw with (Y/B/F/N) I will hurt you. I would throw you away but you cost to much.” You said as you opened your front door, Google walking out of it waiting. You closed your door and locked it with your key before walking in the direction of your best friends home.

  After five minutes or so you were at their doorstep. You then knocked and waited for them to answer. They soon did. “You came!“ They said happily as they hugged you. You happily hugged back and replied with a smile. “Why would I not?” You then both laughed slightly as they asked a question that you expected. “Who is that?” Google looked at (Y/B/F/N). “Oh, that's google. I bought him for a few thousand.” You said calmly as they nodded and dragged you inside. “I made coffee! You know how to make it delicious so I made sure it was just black.“ They said as you walked to the kitchen and grabbed the items you needed for the coffee. After adding the creamer and sugar, you brought yourself and them a cup. You then both sat down to chat. “So, How is work?” They asked as they drank their colder coffee quickly, “It's fine.” You said as Google sat down next to the two of you. “That's good.” They said as they stared at you. “So, how are you feeling, now that he is out of jail.” This made your eyes widen. “H-he is out of jail!?”

Cliff hanger, anyways. Sorry for the long as wait. And sory that is is so short. uh yeah. See ya next chapter-

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