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Hyoyeon and Donghae were walking inside the campus of their school. They were reminiscing the times that they had fun in each corner of the place. When they reached the soccer field. Hyo sat at the bench which was facing the field. Hae followede her.

"Remember this place?" Hyo asked Hae.

"Ofcourse. How could I forget this place? We first met here." Donghae said smiling, reminiscing the days how they met.

"You were really good that day you know. I remember the girls saying you're the hottie newbie."

"Hottie newbie eh? Well, to tell you the truth, the guys told me that there was this girl that was looking, no, staring at me for kind of a long time. Then I found out it was you. I kind of showed of that day to you." Donghae said.

"I know. The next days of your practice, you really wasn't playing well."

"After the practice, I immediately ran here just to meet you." Donghae looked at Hyo.

"You were really pretty that day you know, I kinda liked you, but look at us now, were the best of friends." Donghae looked away and forced a fake smile.

"Yeah." Hyo looked at Hae and though, 'Friends. What would have happened if we haven't seen each other that day? Would we still be friends, will you like me?'

Then Hyo stood up and started walking again and signalled Hae to follow her.

Before standing up, he looked at her walk away. 'What if I asked you to be my girlfriend back then? Would we still be together? Or are we better of as friends?' Then he stood up and followede Hyo.

They were now at the entrance of the school.

"We met here 4 years ago as strangers and we're leaving it as bestfriends." Hyo said.

"We won't see each other now huh? I'm going to miss you pal." Hae said as he wrapped Hyo around his arms. Hyo looked at him.

"Im gonna miss you too Hae." After that, they went home


Graduation day.

Donghae's parents and Hyo's mom were sitting beside each other. After the ceremony, the two came to their parents.

"Congratulations Donghae! I'm really proud of you my son." Mrs. Lee said as he hugged him

Then the Lee family went closer to the Kims.

"Hyoyeon-ah." Mrs. Lee called Hyo who just broke off her hug with her mom.

Hyo and her mom went to them.

"Congratulations Hyoyeon." Mr. and Mrs. Lee said.

"Kamsahamnida." Hyoyeon bowed as Mrs. Lee hugged her.

"We graduated finally." Donghae said to Hyo.

"Yeah" Hyo said. "After those long hours of lectures. It finally paid off."

"How about we have dinner later Heeyeon-ah?" Mrs. Lee asked Hyo's mom.

Mrs. Kim looked at her daughter Hyo, and she nodded.

"Sure." Mrs. Kim answered.

During their dinner.

Hyo and Hae sat beside each other, they were too close and serving food to each others plate while talking and laughing.

Then Hae's mom started to talk. "Donghae-yah, why don't you just ask Hyoyeonie for a date."

Then Donghae looked at her mom. "Huh?"

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