Chapter 3: Is sex better than resistance?

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Hours, minutes, seconds went by and I'm still in my cell overthinking things I shouldn't. "Let me out!" I shout out loud knowing people are watching I notice the camera move slightly to the right and left "you wanna play?" I say out loud the camera moves again I get off my feet and brush myself down accidentally lifting up my top "whoops." I say quietly I start to sway my hips lightly while moving my hands up my body against my breast "come play with me." I pout while lowering my left hand past my belly button to rest on top of my sex I start to pat it then laugh out loudly "ha your pathetic." I scream out loud suddenly interrupted by a cough coming from outside my cell "Here we have Ang..." I interrupt Dr Marson "Angelica."
I say while still in the corner of my cell "be careful Dr she can be quiet misbehaved." Dr Marson warns the man next to him Dr Marson' attention is brought else where when Sergeant Thompson and Bryan speak to him down the hall I wave my hand as a goodbye to Dr Marson "fresh meat." I say while licking my lips seeing the man in front of me with shoulder length hair spread across his suite rugged facial hair but it suited his fair skin tone and piercing blue eyes as sharp as a knife followed by rose pink slim lips; his wearing an all black suite like the others incept it wasn't like the others his suite was tailored for him specially I lower my head "what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" I purred my way over to my cell bars holding the bars each side of me "you really wanna know?" I tease the man nods his head desperately "Let's just say daddy didn't play by the rules." I say slowly I start to giggle to myself seeing the mans eyes widen a little I lick the bar in front of me slowly making the mans movement sudden "why did you do it or did you do it?" He asks titling his head "mmmmm questions already... I don't like them." I say while brushing my fingers through my hair.

"Do you think you belong in here?" His voice deepens "the question is Doctor do you think I should be in here." I tilt my head to the side I see his mouth form a '0' shape before he could answer he was called by Dr Marson he walks away from my cell without saying anything "not even a goodbye?" I shout at the top of my lungs "goodbye Angelica." He manages to say before the steel door shuts behind them. A few minutes later Sergeant Lockwood stands  outside my cell "Sergeant Lockwood what can I do for you?" I ask in a teasing voice "mmmm sweetie you can't do anything for me I'm good, I have to bring you to the office." He raises his eyebrow before opening my cell gate
Standing in front of doctors, psychiatrists and consultants there eyes are glued on myself and a few others "here's a few of them Dr Marson they're all ticked off." Sergeant Lockwood says while bringing one other patient in the office "Thank you joining us... Right here we have seven patients as we all know why your here you'll need to pick a patient to examine and identify there diagnosis." Dr Marson walks pass me breathing out heavy he calls out doctors, psychiatrists and consultants one by one after there called they then stand next to their assigned patient who they have been given information about "and last but not least Angelica she was placed here a few years ago ever since then she has been our patient..." Dr Marson' voice fades out in my mind looking up to the ceiling "Dr Morgan you'll be assigned to Angelica."

My focus breaks as I hear my name again slip out of Dr Marson' mouth lowering my head I see the same man who was outside my cell earlier I place a smile across my face he nods his head slightly "Now everyone be nice to our new members... Angelica especially you." Dr Marson warns me "I'm nice... Always." I say while biting my bottom lip while looking at Dr Morgan who's a few steps away from me.
Following him down the hall we didn't make any conversation to break the silence, watching him open the door he steps aside to let me in I nod as thanks and take a seat in front of his wooden desk "Make yourself comfortable Angelica I'd like to start our first session by introducing yourself and the reason your in here... Do you mind me recording?" He asks me in a soft tone "no I don't mind... This is your job right." I roll my eyes slightly

Dr Morgan places a recorder in front of me and presses the record button on the left "Patient 479 named Angelica Hernandez "right Angelica can you introduce yourself by answering these questions?" He smiles softly making me move in my seat "ready? What's your name?, how old are you?, do you know who put you in here?." The questions finish taking a deep breath before answering the questions I exhale "my name is Angelica I'm 19 years old and my fucking daddy put me in this hell hole." I spit harshly folding my arms across my chest "do you remember what happened?" Dr Morgan leans forward resting his arms on top of his desk "that's what everyone wants to know... Your mum put me here." A soft smile forms in my lips not allowing Dr Morgan to speak I twist the session up a bit "enough about me tell me about you... There must be a reason why you chose me." I smirked "chose you I didn't choose you Dr Marson assigned me to you." His voice lowers "your a bad liar Dr Morgan you see while Dr Marson was assigning the others to the patients I noticed a important letter being waved about in his hand let's just say I know you asked him for me to be your patient." I say slowly after I press the record button to turn it off.

"Smart indeed but you forgot one thing." Dr Morgan speaks as he follows me to the corner of his room "I chose you for a reason all the other patients didn't interest me but you, you my dear did." He smiles through his eyes "Doc you think I don't know how this works. You sweet talk me to tell you every piece of information about me and what I've done so you get a raise or some shit." I say rolling my eyes while facing him "mmm feisty I see but your mind says something different. I know how your mind works." He adds while he breathes against my lips making my body stiff for a second "you don't know how my mind works you know why because I let you think you know how my mind works." I whisper in his ear in a stern tone "your full of crazy." "Your full of shit." "Your full of anger." "I'm not mad I'm hurt there's a difference." I form a fist in my left hand making Dr Morgan look down whispering "are you sure about that?" He raises his eyebrow
Biting his ear lobe I say
"Don't test me Doc."
"Who's testing?." He leans against me making my back press against his book shelf
"Don't play games with me."
"And whys that?"
Licking my lips I say softly "I always win you know why... Daddy's princess gets her own way." I finish biting my lip making Dr Morgan place his left hand at the side of me leaning in closer "we'll see." He whispers before walking back to his desk. "Challenge accepted." I playfully peak
"Tell me about this place and the people?" He says acting like nothing just happened "well Silver Oak is a hell hole you can't even shave your legs or your pussy without the nurses watching.... some patients don't mind but hey each to their own right Doc? but besides that they let me have my fun." I laugh "and the people?" Dr Morgan reminds me "oh yes the people there crazy.. All of them incept for me. There's no one like me in case you haven't noticed there's different type of patients in here." I giggle In a high pitched tone

"Tell me about them." Dr Morgan runs his hand through his hair "as you know there's over one hundred patients here but I know some business or gossip some others might call it; in here you've got the crazies, schizophrenics, anxiety maniacs but then you have the murders these type of people kill themselves and others just like that girl." I sigh
"what girl?"
"You haven't heard?" I tease playfully
"No I haven't." Dr Morgan's teeth grit against each other
"There was a girl here a year ago her name was Lisa... Lisa Nutjob ha not really her surname was Johnson people called her 'the mini me' I hated it because she looked nothing like me, anyway they gave her these pills as she was diagnosed with schizophrenia and border line personality disorder cut long story short... She killed herself in the lunch hall some people say they hear her screams throughout the day and night." I sigh shrugging my shoulders "she was a quiet girl until I found her." I added while walking back and fourth in the free space heading towards the door "found her?"

The sound of the alarm goes off  acknowledging us that the session is over "looks like our session is over." I smile slightly "Angelica." Dr Morgan's voice is stern and loud
The door opens in the door way stands sergeant Thompson waiting for me to walk through the door "mmmmm Sergeant Thompson oh how I've missed you." I playfully say while jumping on him "Angelica get off me." I do as I'm told before he radio in the other sergeants "sorry." I say while backing away with my hands raised beside me showing surrender "bye Doctor Morgan." I blow a kiss then skip down the hallway "hehe I'm the princess." I sing

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