Crypt Keeper

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"so I betting that Sally missed you the most out of anyone in Halloween Town!" I said as we made our way to the burial chamber."And I'll be glad to see her too." Jack replied with a smile. "I missed her while I was gone." Brownie barked as we stopped in our tracks and she picked up a piece of paper. "Wow, these things are all over the place." I stated in surprise then I saw that there was something written on it.

"Jack, hurry up and come back to town! Lock, Shock, and Barrel brought Oogie back to life, and he's taken over Halloween Town! The skeletons that are probably attacking you now were made by Dr. Finkelstein and are being controlled by Oogie. These skeletons were specifically designed to stop you at all costs, and they will stop at nothing to track you down!"

I was stunned as if I was tasered by a stun-gun or paused like a home movie and couldn't find the right word to say. "ok that doc is definetely a whack-job." I remarked"A whack-what?" Jack questioned confused."Nevermind" I said with a shrug." this explains why the skeletons are determined to take us down."

"We better hurry and find Sally."

"Right behind you" I sighed, I can't believe I had to risk my life just to save this Sally and a chance to find my way home but as soon as the burial chamber was in reach . . ."Why do you always have to spoil our fun?" That voice was something I wish I could forget, but unfortunately, I recognize it."This is the last time you'll get in our way!" Lock yelled as he appeared from behind a tombstone."oh great, it's you again." I said as another fence appeared around us. This is why I really hate spooky stuff as we sprung into action. I shot a couple of skeletons with Shock Pistol. It was in no time that all the skeletons were finally eradicated and I hopefully wish that we never do that again.


"You win this time, Jack." Lock said as he started to inch away."There won't be a next time." Jack retorted with a huge frown."Of course not, Jack, whatever you say."Lock then did the only thing he could do; run like the wind!

"Well I'm glad that's over with, there's the burial chamber." I said as I pointed the direction of our destination. Brownie barked as she run around in circle as if she was excited. "Well, it's now or never." I said trying with much confidence. "Come on, let's save Sally." I just hope that they're weren't spiders even they are small becoz I really hate it then again I was wrong. As soon as we entered, We saw that the Hanging Tree was right about the spiders and cobwebs, but he never mentioned that the spiders were the size of basketballs! It took all his might from breathing in the dusty atmosphere, but Jack was able to pull through each and every twist and turn the crypt had to offer as we had finally reached the over side of the crypt.

Why does it have to be a big spider? I like it better when they're small. "One spider is bad enough at my school." I said in absolute disgust. "But to have all of them like that and attacking us is worse!"

"What are you saying Rip? I kinda thing spiders are interesting."

"Yeah to you, but not me."

As we took a few more steps, Brownie tensed for abit as she started running and immediately found someone . . . which was the very person we were searching for!

"Sally!"        "Jack!"

So that's Sally, I was expecting her something scary but she was covered in stitches like a rag doll. Kinda remind me from Coraline in the movie well except the button eyes. SHe doesn't look bad and I'm glad we found her. "Sally . . ." Jack said as he held her hands.

"Jack . . ."


I give scolding looks at brownie after barking and hushed her, and only shrugged as I glared at her for almost ruining the moment. As I looked away at the heartwarming scene, then Brownie glanced up and froze in place and began to whine. I saw the trembling Brownie meaning I don't like where this is going. Just above Jack and Sally was one of the largest spiders I ever seen in my entire lives! It then shot out two webs, entangled Sally and Brownie, and jerked them up to the ceiling."AAAH!" Sally gasped as she was pulled away.

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