chapter 15

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not edited, i have magor writers block so sorry if this chapter is crapxx 

Song of the chapter- sweater weather by the neighborhood

Chapter 15                         

Lexi’s POV

“Always keep your eyes on your opponent or opponents,”

“Be aware of your surroundings,”

“Make sure you have an escape route,”

“Watch their body movement, when he/she tenses and begins shifting he will attack,”

“If you can’t fight then slow him down,”

“Aim for the nose, chin and temple or for the easy take down to a man…the balls,”

“Think fast,”

“There’s a number of things you can do…...biting, punching, palm strikes, raking, elbow strikes, knee kicks, shin kicks and my favorite the head butt but if none of that works well then there’s only one way out… weapons,” I smiled, walking to the side I opened a huge trunk full to the brim with weapons.

“This is a simple pistol but but never underestimate the power of it, then there’s the shot gun my favorite is the AA-12, there’s machine guns, sub machine guns, rifles, snipers and machetes or just simple knifes, you managed to get that?” I asked everyone, nodding at me I decided to carry on.

Showing e everyone how to hold and fire every gun , they became very excited, they were doing really well and were improving a lot.

“I’m going to show you how to use most of the points I have told you about, now,” I brought out ten dummies and put them in a circle around me, further into the field.

“So I’m walking home, a short cut through the field, when ten rogues jump out, forming a circle around me, I have to fight them off, there’s no one to help me” Picking up a pistol and knife, I shoved the knife into my boot.

“You all need to watch,” I shot three straight away, grabbing my knife I threw it, it pierced right threw the head of the dummy.

“Six to go, no weapons,” I spoke, doing a round house kick, I kicked one in the face, spinning around I dove a punch right into the dummies gut, it fell right over.

“Four to go, imagine there all running to me,”

I done a frog leap over, one of their heads, and ran a circle around them “remember, try and make them exhausted, if you can’t fight,”

I grabbed one of their arms and put it around my neck, flipping them over, I rolled and kicked another in the groin, only two more to go, I landed a punch in one of their faces and head butted another.

“Done, it’s as simple as that,”

“SIMPLE?” One of them screeched, I laughed and walked towards them.

“Well I think we can leave the rest for another day, you seem shocked,” I joked.


I held my books close to me as I walked down the corridor with everyone and I mean everyone, jace, Jensen, Jared, the twins, Justin, Alex, Kim, Shannon, Sadie, three of Jace’s friends who I had only just met and me.

My hand was entwined with Jace’s as we entered our first lesson of the day……Art. Sitting down, I noticed a smell, it kept me on edge slightly and I didn’t like it.

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