Eleanor's house part 2

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Eleanor's point of view

I hadn't thought Louis would find out. What would he possibly think? Harry and I are just simple friends..as it seems. But the media can use one simple photo and then it's a whole different story. I had made my way to the sitting room and found my head pounding.

I didn't want to intrude on Harry's conversation with Louis, but at the same time curiosity had taken a toll. I finally managed to force myself out of the kitchen and plop myself down on my couch. I couldn't help but to feel a pain in my stomach. I was worried.

Worried of what Louis thought. Worried of what the media thought. Worried of what the fans thought.

I had dated Louis and never found myself attracted to anyone else at the time. Sure Harry had crossed my mind once or twice but never the way he had crossed my mind since he started texting me. I found myself slightly allured with his new short hair. Not that I didn't like his long hair but something new about him was refreshing and didn't remind of the boy band he was apart of.

I heard footsteps making they're way towards me, breaking me from thought.

"Sorry it was Louis.." Harry voice made a smile appear on my face. "Oh it's fine.." I say getting up. "He asked me if we screwed" He blurts. My stomach twisted as the words all came together, I widened my eyes as I stared, making a thin line with my lips . I looked at Harry. He was amused, a smirk grew ok his face. My cheeks become hot, I quickly looked down and forced a laugh.

"Well what did you say?" "That we hadn't.....yet" He was teasing and I wouldn't let him make my cheeks be flushed with pink any longer. I hit his arm with all my force. He grunted.

"What'd you do that for?" He asked rubbing his arm. I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms. "Why are you being so sassy?" He laughed lightly. "Yet?" I mimicked his low voice.

"I was kidding! I didn't say yet..to Louis" he winked. I wasn't sure why but my leg had a spasm and had kicked his leg..really hard. "Okay! Okay! I'll stop!" He laughed obviously in pain.

I smirked. "Good". I got close to him and hugged him. "I forgot to do this" He wraps his arms around me as I speak. I begin to place my knee more comfortably near his groin. I heard him breath more heavily near my ear. I purposely hugged him tighter pulling our bodies together. Then forcefully pulled out.

"I think dinner's done" I say rushing towards the kitchen. He teased me, why wouldn't I tease him?

I heard his steps follow behind. "Your such a tease" I hear his horse voice from behind me. I let out a light chuckle and open my cupboard door. I grab two glass plates and then place them on counter. I do a twirl and grab the wine, gracefully. I turn to see Harry dishing out plates.

"Oh..thanks?" I laugh.

"I thought I'd be a gentleman" he smirks turning. I smile at him and grab a knife on the counter.

I quickly remove the foil with the knife and then pop it open. "Voila" I say holding the wine up. Harry turns and looks at me. "Yes, wiiiiine" He says in the most feminine voice possible. I laugh lightly as I grab 2 wine glasses with my one hand.

I pour the wine into the glasses. I feel Harry's eyes on me as I fill the cups. "There dinner is served" he says cheekily. He has the two plates filled as much as possible. "You must be hungry" I say picking up the 2 whine glasses.

"Mhm" I lead him to the dining room. His footsteps are slow and heavy on the wood flooring. I set down a glass on each opposite side, Harry does the same with the plates. I already set out the knives and forks however, so there's no point of leaving the room. Harry pulls the chair out, he points to it.

"M'lady" He says in a very low tone. I chuckle sitting down, he pushes the chair in for me. He sits down next, nodding at me.

"I'm glad we got to hangout" He says trying to make eye contact. I attempt to stuff my mouth to avoid him but his gaze forces me to smile at him. I swallow my food before I open my mouth. "Same..why didn't you ever talk to me..before when I was with Louis, everyone did but you.." I say taking a tiny sip of my wine. Harry chuckles under his breath, while looking down.

"If I'm honest..I've always..fancied you" he shrugs. I cock an eyebrow. "Really? Cause it surely didn't seem like it, darling" I smirk.

"Trust me..Liam, Niall, Zayn and I always found you..rather..beautiful" His words make my cheeks flush with the colour pink. He smirks in response. "And I didn't know this how?"

"Well we showed you signs..especially me..I followed you on Twitter" He says. "Well it caught my attention if that's what you wanted, I just thought it was..something Louis would have told you to do" I shrugged. "Louis didn't like it when I talked about you, he was the one who had to bring you up" He says shovelling a piece of steamed broccoli into his mouth.

I laugh as he tries to swallow the hot food. "This is really hot" he chokes. I nod laughing as he takes a quick sip of his wine to cool it down. "Your funny" I smile. "And your beautiful" He comments smirking. I give him a playful glare and take another sip of my wine.

After Dinner

I place the dishes into the dishwasher as Harry finishes off the second bottle of wine. "Can I open the next one" His speech is slurred. "Hmmm" I hum looking at him. "I have..better stuff" I chuckle. I bend down and open my bottom cupboard. Revealing shot glasses and bottles of alcohol.

"Vodka will do, eh?" I ask him still bent over. "Mhm" His voice is quite and content. I grab a vodka bottle along with two shots. As I turn to Harry, he's eyeing me. I raise an eyebrow and smirk.

He flashes his teeth and finishes off his wine. I open the alcohol and poor it into each shot glass. I grab one and hand it to Harry. I raise mine "To friends?" I smirk. "To friends..with benefits" Harry snickers clinking our drinks together.

I laugh and chug mine down as Harry does. As soon as I place my shot glass down I nearly trip over my feet. Harry grabs me.

"You aight?" He asks in my ear. I nod and find myself hugging him. "I don't think you alright" he laughs. I laugh lightly into his chest. "Your really tall" I can hardly get the words out of my mouth. "Your already pretty drunk, El" he snickers.

"Yeah..well your already pretty hot" What does that even mean? I stumble backwards slightly but Harry's hand catches me. "How many drinks did you have?" He asks still laughing.

"Dunno" I nuzzle into his chest. At the moment I'm not sure what I'm doing. Harry rubs the small of my back while I continue to rest my head on his chest. His back is forced against my kitchen counter with almost all my weight on him.

I move out of his grasp and quickly pour myself another shot. "Um..Eleanor" "Its fine, darling" I chuckle. I quickly down it and then pour more. Harry laughs behind me. I down the shout I just poured. Before I'm able to pour more, hands wrap around my waist.

I turn my head slightly to only run into Harry's face. I laugh lightly and pinch his cheek. "I'm trying to get laid and your here just wanting to get drunk" His soft low voice echoes in my ear. Something triggered in me. I couldn't help myself, I quickly moved out of his grasp and throw myself on him. My lips forcefully plant onto his. Soon his lips sync with mine.

Shitty chapter oh well :/

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