
378 8 8

This is how it works:  if you have a suggestion or prompt pertaining to a certain ship I will grant you a slot.  I have set some slots for certain ships so claim quickly. ❤️ means I can/have been shipping them romantically.

❤️OutlawQueen 👑🏹:  7 open slots
❤️MadQueen 👑🎩[1] open slot
❤️EvilCharming 👑⚔: [3] open slots
❤️EvilFire 👑🔥: 1 open slot
RegalBeliever 👑✍🏻:  3 open slots
SnowQueen 👑❄️:  1 open slot
SwanQueen 👑🕊:  1 open slot
❤️HunterQueen 👑🐻:  1 open slot
❤️HookedQueen 👑☠: 2 open slots
❤️StableQueen 👑🐴: 1 open slot
DimpleQueen 👑👶🏻:  1 open slot
*Special Slot (AU/Crossover): 3 open slots*

Special slots means that you would want a OS of Regina and some character from another universe. Like, for example, if you wanted Regina and Luke Skywalker to hang out, that kind of thing.

I will also tell you which part # you get some you know how long it'll take.  If there's one slot left for one, likely, your OS will be pushed back a lot because of my own and others OS ideas. 


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