part 3

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i was stuck there they kept checking on me every half hour they scared me first harry and zayn can to check on me they aren't that scared but when they stepped through the door i shuddered they could hurt me. zayn stood by the door he is weird he was never bad but never kind he just stood there staring with no emotion in his eyes. then harry came up to me smiled then asked if i was alright i nodded and he then walked out with zayn following. as I'm sat here now I'm still so scared who will check on me next the door creaked open and in walked my worst nightmare liam and Louis i tensed up liam chuckled and said "we are going to untie you but you must go to bed", i nodded. he then walked behind me i began to shake but i held in the screams that so badly wanted to escape my mind he untied my wrists then said "don't try to escape as we will find you there is no escape" he said digging his nails into my wrist. he then walked out. i stood up and began to walk around the horrid room stretching my legs walking slowly so the floor wouldn't creek i don't want to sleep on the bed it looks horrid but my legs started getting tired so i sat on the edge of the bed and thought. i miss my home OK so it wasn't much of a home but it was way better than this it was warm and i felt safer than i am here why am i such a loser. slowly i sunk into the mattress it was hard and the springs stuck in my back but i was too tired to care i curled up into a ball hoping to go to sleep about 10 minuets later i began to sleep.    i herd screaming  right near my ear i flung my eyes open to see who it was i saw liam "get up girl get up" he shouted meanly. i jumped up of the bed and stood straight he smiled he knew i was scared of him and he knows he can control me he then pushed a bowl of what i can only describe as gruel he told me to eat it and then left. i sat back on the edge of the bed the gruel was watery with lumpy bits floating i put it at the far end of the bed i wasn't going to eat that i began thinking then i remembered i left my phone in the back pocket of my trousers they hadn't taken it thankfully i had enough battery for one call. i slowly scrolled through my contacts who could i call then it struck me i will call my only friend bree she would help me. i rang the number and she picked up on the first ring "hey bree help me i have been kidnapped by a gang". "hell are you kidding please tell me you are kidding", "no time to explain just help before" i could finish my sentence the door flung open what do you think you are doing liam shouted his voice was really scary i dropped the phone and began shaking. he grabbed my phone and then said "hey bree I'm her friend sorry about that we dared he to prank call you ha it was a good one" bree just said "OK ill be going now". when bree had gone liam grabbed me and then threw me on the chair "how dare you disobey us like that you could get us into trouble you know you will never say another word to any one" he then tired me to a chair and punched me in the stomach and slapped me in the face "next time will be allot worse" he said slowly walking out the door i then herd the door lock I'm petrified i wish i was back at home with people that didn't hurt me as badly I'm stuck here in this hell hole with just my sanity left and i can feel that slowly slipping away from me hopefully one day soon i will be able to get away from this place and never return but i don't think that's going to happen any time soon.

omg another chapter finished yay lolz I'm so happy i think i like this story thanks for reading and please continue to do so any ideas are welcome :) i will update soon  

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