If The Drugs Aren't Working You Probably Need More (Garrett Nickelsen)

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“John, do I have to go?” I asked from the passenger’s seat of my best friend/s car.

John was about to try out for a band.

Now, I loved John. We had been best friends for about 6 years. Yeah, we always got shit for it, but a guy and a girl can’t be friends these days without getting any grief for it.

The car rolled across the asphalt, hot in the Arizona sun as John sighed.

“Kay, you know I’m terrified as fuck. Just go with me.” He pleaded, like I was still standing on my front porch and I still had an option of turning around and going back inside.

I didn’t have an option. Unless I wanted to throw myself from the vehicle on the highway at 65 miles per hour.

I guess I could go.

“Fine.” I sighed. “Where are we going anyway?” I asked, just now realizing that I had no idea where we were headed.

This was always a common question for me to ask John. I never really questioned him at all when I’d get a call saying “Wanna hang out? I’m in the driveway?” I’d always just put my converse on and run out the door. It was more or less a bad habit of mine.

“Tim’s house.” He said pulling onto the street that I had been to a few times. Tim threw parties every now and then. They were alright.

“Tim has a band?” I asked trying to scratch my mind for everything that I actually knew about Tim.

“Nah, his little brother does. He’s a year younger than you, I believe.” He said pulling into the driveway.


So he was a sophomore. And blah, blah, blah. That makes me a junior and John a senior.

John go out of the car and I followed in suit as he grabbed an acoustic guitar out of the back and walked up to the front door.

John knocked on the door and stepped back.

“Stop being nervous, John.” I said trying to reassure him as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.

“Kay, you’ve never even heard me sing.” He said laughing nervously.

“So?” I asked as we still waited. “You  dominate anything that you do. So just go in there and do it.”

The front door swung open and Tim stood there smiling.

“Hey! Come on in!” He said opening the door wider for us. “Hey Kay, I’m glad you could make it for something other than a party.” He laughed.


A long haired boy walked out from around the corner. His nose was round and he smiled from ear to ear.

“Hey, I’m Pat.” He said. “I think we’ve crossed paths a few times before but never really met.”

“I’m John.” John smiled nervously. “This is my best friend,” he said gesturing to me.

“Hey, I’m Kay.” I smiled politely.

“So do you wanna do this?” Pat asked clapping his hands.

“Sure.” John said.

Pat turned around and led John and I into his bedroom where he had a Mac book open.

“Uhm, you can sit here. If you don’t mind, I’m gonna record it.”

“Okay.” John said quietly, sitting down where Pat gestured to on his bed. He slung his guitar over his thigh and bounced his other knee up and down.

If The Drugs Aren't Working You Probably Need More (Garrett Nickelsen)Where stories live. Discover now