Chapter 2

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I had merched for The Maine before, but I wasn’t prepared for what was actually going to happen that day.

Tim ended up having to come back and help me because the line was getting so ridiculous.

“Fuck.” I groaned when things finally died down a little bit around 6.

John walked under the tent from watching a few other bands play. His face was already starting to show signs of sunburn.

“Kay, baby!” He yelled to me, hugging me awkward as I was sprawled out in a camping chair that was closer to the ground than John was used to being.

“John.” I mumbled. “Stop being a whore so I don’t have to work so hard.”

“Okay. I’ll wake up tomorrow and stop being a hot tamale.” He said still awkwardly grasping onto me.

“Hey, now.” Pat said plopping down in the chair next to me. “Everyone knows I’m the tamale in this band.”

“Of course, Pat.” I smiled.

“Ayo!” I heard someone else yell. John finally released me, standing up to his fully erect 6’4” to see who was talking.

Alex from before was standing in front of our table.

“Hey, man. Great set today.” Pat said. I laughed. The way Pat said it, it sounded so macho.

Like a bro was saying, “Hey, great burn back there, bro.”

“Thanks,” Alex smiled, looking at me, then glancing at Pat and looking back at me.

John glanced down at me giving me the “what the fuck is going on look” and I shrugged slightly.

“We’re having a party to celebrate the kick off of Warped Tour on the ATL bus tonight. Y’alls better show up.” He said before smirking and looking away.

“Damn it, Kay.” Tim said smiling a little bit. I knew something offensive would follow so I just glared at him. “We’ve been here for like ten hours and you’ve already banged a guy. You’re such a whore.” He said smiling.

“Fuck you, Tim.” I said flipping him off. “Pat, will you hit your douche of a brother for me.”

“Uh. I don’t have any hands.” Pat said quickly before walking away.

“Do you wanna go?” John asked, smiling.

He knew I wasn’t gonna say no. And I knew damn well that no matter what my answer was, John would be dragging me along and handing me drinks all night. John was my party buddy, we liked to party.

“Fuck yeah!” I said as we bumped our closed fists together. “Why would I turn down a party?’

When everything was down and back in the trailer we all headed over to All Time Low’s bus.

I had been to tons of parties, but I had never been on a tour bus. So this party had to be great.

Plus, I had my party buddy right there next to me.

“Hey, no sleeping with the singer.” Tim yelled at me as we started to get on the bus.

"God damn it, shut the fuck up!" I whisper-yelled. You know, when you really wanna yell in someone's face, but the person they were talking about is five steps away, so therefore, you have to whisper-yell.

It's a great process.

"Hey, it's merch girl!" Alex said coming up and wrapping me in a big hug.

"Hey." I smiled back.

"Come with me, let's get a drink." He said taking my hand.

He was being a bit forward, and I'm not 100% sure that I liked it.

He handed me a red cup with some form of alcohol in it and I took a sip. I had enver turned down alcohol before, so why would I start doing so now?

"So, where are you from, merch girl?" Alex asked after awkwardly taking a sip of his drink.

The music was loud, but not overbearing and there weren't that many people there seeing as how it was just getting started.

"Tempe, Arizona." I smiled. "And my name is Kay." I added in loosely. It was bad enough that Tim was already calling me by my merch title. This attractive singer didn't have to do it anyway.

"Oh, it makes sense that you'd be touring with a band from A.Z. I don't think your boyfriend likes that you're talking to me." He said glancing behind me.

I turned around, expecting to see Tim or John standing there, but it was Garrett.

"What?" I asked. "That's not my boyfriend, I barely even talk to that kid."

"Oh," Alex said furrowing his eyebrows. "Then why did he look like he wanted to kill me when I grabbed your hand and brought you over here?"

I shrugged. This was getting more than uncomfortable. "I don't know. He's an awkward kid."


I didn't have much of it written out and I'm crunched for time, but the next chapter will have much more! I promise.

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