my guardian angel is PMSing.....

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name:Aiko Tenshi[tenshi means angel!XD]

personality:smart but can be retarded at times.thinks quiet guys are sexy for some reason.she is straight to the point and rude sometimes.likes to curse.she has her kind moments.does not give up easy.very violent when she gets angered easily

looks:long light blonde hair,light brown eys,with thick dark lashes.uses genjutsu to cover up her angel wings.has black neko ears instead of normal ones. 5'2 tall.wears a white and black chinese quipao with fishnet shirt underneath.has bandages from her knees to her ankles.


tenshi teleporting jutsu

kekkei genkai:siren jutsu


"that's retarded." I said.My brother looked at me in annoyance. "You are going to guard Sabaku no Gaara,no matter what.Now go to your room and pack your things,because you will be leaving today."he said rubbing his forehead self conciously. you see i am a guardian angel from the secret and mystical tenshi clan.i am Aiko Tenshi,age older brother,Light Tenshi just assigned me a person to protect from harms way.guardians do this by acting as a freind or in some cases,their lover.i turned around to hide the pissed off expression on my face."Fine.just because mother and father are dead does not mean you OWN me."i mumble the last part.i stormed out of Light's office with my head held high while tripping over some stair steps.eversince my mother and father died in the Tenshi/demon war,my brother has acting like a jackass. i opened the door to my room and stepped inside allowing the cool air to hit my ceiling is just a giant mirror,there is a full bed in the corner of the room with black sheets.there is a small white vanity/dresser in the other corner of my empty room. i threw myself int the bed and stared at my reflection. i had long silvery blonde hair with neko ears on top of my head.i was born with these ears for a reason no one but my deceased mother know. i had light brown eyes with thick black lashes,just like father. my sensitive ears twitched to an unknown sound so i decided to pack the little things i have and leave to protect my assigned person.

I was waiting in the departure room for my information.the bright white walls and tiles were blinding my eyes.suddenly my ears twitched,AGAIN,and i looked up to see the clan elder coming towards me with a thick file in his hands.i stood up and gave a slight bow to him.psh.i hate this guy sooo much.he nodded with authority and handed me the creamy color file labeled,Sabaku no Gaara. we both turned around and headed our seperate ways.Now to do my teleporting jutsu!i felt my snow white angel wings wrap around me ,as feathers were floating around with a silver glow."Suna ni watashi o toru."{take me to suna} i mumbled.

i closed my eyes tight as the jutsu was making the air around me thin,and tight.i always hated feels like your squeezing through a tube.....-_-;."AAAAGHH!!!" I FELL ON MY BUTT!!!!ow.i stood up and brushed the near gold colored sand off my chinese dress. i looked up at the sun set then started my short trip to the village gates.

i mumble a hello to the guards who were checking out a lady.psh.pervs. my eyes scanned the scene before me,kids playing and adults being slow.i walked though the village earning only a few curious glances from strangers.HAHAHAA!!!FEEL MY RATH STRANGERS!YOU CANT SEE MY NEKO EARS BECAUSE OF MY HAT!!!!MUHAHAA!!!! ok,now i have to find baki sensei. i stepped into an abandoned alley and crouched down on my feet.i took out the file from my knapsack.i need to find a picture of this guy-FOUND IT! he covers half his face with a white cloth that also covers the top of his's tied down by his sand village headband.he also had 2 red triangle things on the side of his word describes him in my opinion.UGLY!haha! ok now forrealz i need to find him.

[me beiing smart and all,i used a genjutsu to cover my wings,since they dont come off!!!lucky me they are kinda small.] i used my wings to fly to the top of a sand building. once on top i scanned the area for ugly baki sensei. FOUND HIM!!! i flew down from the building when noone was looking,and calmly walked up to baki.he was leaning against a building with the bordest look ever! he looked at me with a what look in his eye. so this is when ,my smart self,activated my kekkei genkei,Siren.Siren jutsu makes the person you want to do the things you want them to do. he fell for it."hello baki sensei.i am Aiko Tenshi, from the village hidden in the clouds[every guardians fake clan name] and my elder told me to be in your team."

he simply nodded his head."welcome to the team,Aiko."he said slowly. "He also said that if i could live with the sand siblings?"i insisted.he nodded his head and stood up straight."come this way." he turned and led me towards another SAND building. i deactivated Siren.the good thing aout this jutsu is that the person still remembers what they said and did,while beleiving they did it under their own influence!MWHAHAHAA!!!!

he knocked on the door of the building. then a girl with blonde hair in 4 short pigtails answered the door. "Baki-Sensei?! what are you doing here?!"she asked.

"may i come in Temari.i would like to introduce someone to the team."he said.she nodded unsurely and opened the door wider so that the two of us could come in.guess what the living room was made of?SAND.FREAKING SAND IS EVERYWHERE HERE!but atleast the floor had a red carpet,and there was a red sofa too. with a lamp.awsome. i assumed the boy on the couch was kankuro,because,you know,black body suit and purple makeup. he looked at me and i looked at him.then the mother fucker winks at me.THIS.MO'F-ING.SON OF A WANNABE BITCH.IS .CHECKING ME THE HELL OUT. i think my soul just threw up. but instead i violently shivered on the outside.this made him frown.there was the blonde,Temari, sitting next to kankuro,staring at me.then looked away.then there was this redhead, who was an inch taller than me,standing up straight glaring at me.i have to protect this guy?

why was this bastard glaring at me?i didnt bring sand into his house did i?well to bad!the whole damn place is sand!after an awkward silence,Baki finally spoke,"Team,this is Aiko Tenshi from the village hidden in the clouds.she will now be staying with you guys.good day."after that he left and slammed the door.WHAT THE FREAK,BRO! we all stared[or in gaara's case,glared] at each other. "'s it goin?"kankuro asked me unsure of what to do."uh....fine."i answered nervously.i had my back to Gaara and i could feel his seafoam green eyes burn the back of my head.this is getting annoying.quick.i remember how my brother once told me that i was the only angel who could get angered easily.that statement,of course,angered me.

"so Aiko,let me show you to your room.By the way im temari.the dude with purple makeup is Kankuro.and the redhead is Gaara.come on"she led me upstairs into a narrow hallway with 4 bedrooms,2 on each side of the hallway.hanging on the wooden doors,[WOOD!OH WOOD HOW I MISSED YOU SO!] were decorated name plates.temari's name plate was light purple and was the shape of a fan.kankuro's was the shape of a puppet with his name in big bold black letters.Gaara's was just a shape of a cracked heart with his name in kanji.psh.typical.

she led me to the room next to gaara,across from her's."here you go,hope you enjoy.We will go out to eat ramen at 8:00pm.ok?"she said before stepping out of my room and softly closing the door.

this looked just like my old room.minus the mirror ceiling. i undid the genjutsu on my wings,and took off my red baseball cap.i walked over to the mirror and stared.just stared.not exactly at myself but just needing something to look at to now im what?do iwait for some pyscho with no life to kill gaara ?that's basically what a guardian angel does.they stay with their assigned person until one of them die,but the whole point of having a guardian angel id to prevent death.every one has one.


my ears twitched when my inner conflict ended because my door slammed just like,slammed open while im on my bed with my wings and ears.DAMN IT!!!!!! i froze and stared at my intruder.Gaara.MOTHERFUCKER SLAMMED OPEN MY DOOR!

"you.i know your not really who you say you are."he said in a monotone voice.psh.tryin to scare me,whats wrong wit' you?! "uh...i am Aiko dont know me so shut up."i said mocking his monotone voice."hn.well"-he stopped midsentance once his eyes fell on my ears and wings.his mouth dropped slightly as his eyes widened a little. my wings were fluttering-what i call stretching-around me as i sat with my legs cossed on my ears were twitching looking for sounds.

"you're a-a-a-a-"he was stuttering.HA!look who ain't all big and scary now!!! i looked at him amusement in my eyes with a smirk."whatcha' starin at?my chest?"i asked knowing what he was starring at.just so you know im not flatchested.just sayin. he slammed the door and left.Damn.bastard better not go blabbing around now that he knows what i am.then again he dosn't talk im safe!!!!!!i think.......

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