Louis tomlinsons first love

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Louis part

'I need some fresh air guys okay?' All the band nodded. I felt horrible I felt so ill hopefully a walk on the town would make me feel better. i walked slowly around the town square praying to see something interesting but my hopes did not come true ... until my eyes gazed upon a girl about the same age as me and the lads. oh no. she looks lonely,lets try and cheer her up. I walked over to the girl. she looked up at me. 'hello she said in a sweet but hot voice.' I could tell I was going to like her. alot. I sat down next to her and asked 'what's ur name' she replied almost emidatly 'Emily' I thought wow what a nice name 'I'm ..' she didn't let me finish, she knew who I was

Emily's part

Obviously I knew who this hunk was it was Louis Tomlinson who wouldn't know. if u don't know who Louis Tomlinson is then well ur retarded. omg I just realised me Emily reed is having a convo with Louis Tomlinson the most hottest one out of one direction. 'Your Louis Tomlinson'

Louis part

'We'll if u know who I am y aren't u well smothering me?' she said in a rather cocky voice 'well if I smothered you u wouldn't have come over here would you or even talked to me would you?' Well she was right I wouldn't have. 'hey enough of this chit chat what do u think about playing a game?'

Emily's part

'Oh yeah okay. Eeeeeerrrmmmmm..... what about dares?


'Erm 21 questions?'

Louis part

'Yeah okay I'll go first hmmm.... who's your favourite member out of one direction? '

Emily's part

'Ooh that's a hard one Niall no zayn no Harry, I'm joking u obviously who else would I pick? Okay my tern to ask a question hmmm I don't know ooh I know is larry stylinson real?'

Louis tomlinsons first loveWhere stories live. Discover now