Chapter 19 ~ School troubles

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Chapter 19 ~ Kali

It's been a week since Zayn and I started dating and the bullying is a bit worse than when we were just friends. Zayn and I hold hands in the halls or before going to separate classes he'll hug me and kiss my forehead. When i walk into class people stare, people whisper about me in the hall when Zayn's not around, girls give me death glares.

I tell myself to push them away because they're just jealous. I have Zayn and that's all that matters. I walk into my next class of the day, Maths, it sucks without Louis being in school now. As soon as I walk in a group of girls huddled in the back corner look at me and oh man if looks can kill. I look away from them and go to my seat, in the middle of the room. I sigh as I sit down, looking at the board. Scribbled, in cursive, it says we have a substitute and it will be a study day.

I look around to try an find the sub, but I don't see him ...or her. I decide to pull out my notes and do some review problems when there's a tap on my shoulder. I'm almost scared to look up, but when I do I'm relieved. I find Rose smiling down at me. We've talked a little more since the whole thing last week. She was very sweet about it, she was actually happy for me.

"Hey Kali", she sits in Louis' old desk. I asked her to move here so I didn't feel as lonely any more.

"Hi Rose", I try to smile but it's hard to when you have five pairs of eyes burning holes in your back.

She leans closer to me, "Don't let them bug you. They're the bad side of jealousy."

I roll my eyes, "What's the good side?"

"ME!", she smiles. "I'm jealous of how happy you are with him, but i completely support you two."

I crack a smile, she's an odd one, but she's nice. "Well thanks...I guess."

"Kali?", she starts playing with her fingers. "Are we...are we friends now?"

I look up from my notes at her. I could use more friends and she's never REALLY done anything bad to me. I smile at her, "Yeah, Rose, I think we are."

She looks up with a new light in her eyes, "Really? This is exciting!"

A young male walks up to Rose and I, when did he come in? He looks fresh out of Uni. "Excuse me ladies", his eyes wander down my body and back to my eyes. I feel very violated. It doesn't help that I'm wearing a dress with tights and heals."You're being quite loud, lower your volume."

"Umm sure", I say leaning away from him. He definitely gives a creeper vibe.

He smiles at at me and says thank you before he turns and walks to the front of the room.

I let out a long breath and straighten my dress and jacket. "He was checking you out", Rose whispers. "Zayn is gonna murder him!"

My head snaps up to face her, "Don't tell Zayn, because he will murder him. Without a second thought."

She nods and we change the subject to finding a day to hang out. The teacher doesn't bother us again, thankfully, and the bell rings at last. We both let out a sigh of relief of leaving the room, that is until my name is called. "Kali, can you stay a minute."

Rose questions with her eyes if I need her to stay but I shoo her and tell her it's alright. I turn around and wait until everyone is gone to approach the sub. "Is there a problem?"

He sits on the corner of the desk, "You and your friend seem to have been very talkative and loud in class today.

Seriously?! I look quickly over my shoulder to see if Zayn is coming yet, nope still not here. "umm sorry?"

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