Why me?

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Allyson is finally brought out of the train and she see's a sign from far away. Well Allyson has really good eye sight, so what the sign says is "Welcome to Ohio." "OHIO??!!!" "ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!" She thought. Obviously she was knocked out for longer than she thought, which wasn't surprising since she sleeps till 12:00 in the afternoon, on the weekends. Allyson got back to
thinking, you know about what happened. All she could remember was seeing the name Ally on almost every thing she looked at. Was she dreaming? Or awake and actually seeing this? She doesn't know.

She find a way to break through the wooden cage to get out and look around, maybe ask for help. She finds her self walking down the street, a very quiet, abandoned street. No one was there. Allyson, you could tell was getting worried and a little scared at this point. I mean wouldn't you be? Anywho.. She keeps walking to search for help. Allyson runs in to a wall. She yells in frustration "A WALL, AN INVISIBLE WALL?" "Can anything else get worse..?" Allyson suddenly hears an alarm go off. Beeping and screeching, ringing and dinging. All she wants to do is go home and definitely not discover what is behind the unnecessary waste of a wall.

She gets back to thinking about why she saw her nickname everywhere. What was weird about it, is that only her brother Cameron called her that. Is this a sign that he is trying to give? Allyson thinks about some more, but then gets creeped out so she forgets about it.

Allyson finally found someone for help. She is ecstatic to have finally reached some type of resource. They start to converse, and then brings up the topic about her brother. She says that he died a while ago and now she gets taken to this place where she has never gone.
The Woman asks her what her brothers name was. Allyson said "Cameron, why?" The woman looks at her with an uneasy stare and then tells Allyson to be careful, then for some reason runs away. By this point Allyson is tired and sad because she don't know if she'll ever see her family again or if the people are gonna come get her again or if she ever get back to California at least.

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