Percy 25

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We were now passing through Canada and I was still looking for Sophia. Secretly. Finally, losing my patience, I when up to the deck where everyone was again. That was really starting to get weird how everyone was together all the time.

"Okay, has anyone seen Sophia?" I asked exasperatedly, running my hand through my hair. "Nooooope! Why?" Piper asked jovially. I was starting to get a little mad, but then I remembered that they didn't know she'd gone missing. I really hoped she wasn't d-no I can't think like that. "Because she's been missing." Everyone sat up except for Annabeth. Did she have something to do with that?

"Okay start over. When was the last time you saw her?" Nico asked calmly. Jason and the rest of them were around me but Leo was bringing the ship to a standstill so we could find her. "I was going to take a shower and I asked her if I would see her afterwards on the sky deck." "Yea, I remember that. She was up here even after everyone else left except for Annabeth. She said she was gonna wait on you." Frank said truthfully. Everyone turned around to look at Annabeth who was still not paying attention and was on her laptop. "Annabeth, do you have any idea where she is?" I asked quietly with a threatening undertone. She raised her eyebrows like she didn't care and that did it. "Annabeth, I swear if you did something to her, I will kill you. I told you to back off and since you didn't, as soon as you tell me, and you will tell me, we are going to leave. We as in Sophia and I." I told her standing up and yanking her up by the arm.

"Now where is she?!" I yelled into her face and she flinched. Waveringly and very quietly, she said,"I pushed her off the boat about twenty miles back." I pushed her back into her stupid sun chair and turned to Leo. People, usually my enemies, say that I have this kind if green fire in my eyes when I'm angry. Judging by Leo's face, I'm going to say that account is accurate. "Turning this ship around, now." Leo said in a quiet voice and I turned back to go into my room.

Percy Jackson - Gone? (Pjo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now