Chapter 11

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"Oh Mr. Bieber and Miss Braun glad to see you got here safe." A woman said as we walked into the arena

"Right this way." She ushered us down the hallway

"Okay Miss Braun this is where you will be getting ready." Her hand motioned to the door in front of us

"Wait, shes not getting ready with me!?" Justin stuck his bottom lip out in a slight pout making me chuckle

"Jay, ill be fine. Go get ready ill see you all later." I laughed leaning up to peck his lips

I gave him a reassuring smile before pushing the door open and walking in, it was a simple room full of beautiful dresses, shoes, purses and makeup.

"Miss Braun, good to see your here! Im alex your stylist for tonight." His smile was wide and cheerful

"Call me Chelsea, nice to meet you Alex." I shook his hand and smiles

"Chelsea it is, so I have a few dresses in mind for you. That is if you dont mind." He gestured towards the racks

"Of course not! Lead the way!" I cheered

"Ah here we are." He said pointing at a rack with a bunch of beautiful dresses on them

I filed through them all until one jumped out at me.

"This one!" I yelled pointing to

"Ah, I thought you would like that one." He smiled grabbing it off the rack

"Its beautiful." I gasped seeing it fully

"A beautiful dress for a beautiful girl." He winked walking towards the make up (A/N he isnt flirting)

"Okay go change!" He placed it in my hands and gestured towards a bathroom

I slipped the dress on with ease and looked in the mirror. The dress gave me curves in all the right places and I felt, beautiful! I walked out and put my clothes by my purse, I grabbed my phone and walked back over to Alex.

"Oh good it fits!" His hands clapped in excitement

"Sit sit, I need to do you hair and makeup!" He pulled out a chair

While he was doing my hair I texted Justin.

"Hey babe, how it going?"-Chelsea

"If I have to put one more suit on im going to kill someone. What about you?"-Jay😍👫💕

"I bet you look handsome! I found my dress and im getting my hair and makeup done. I really hope you like it!"-Chelsea

"You look hot in whatever you wear ;)"-Jay😍👫💕

"Shut it Bieber! I love you see you later 😘"-Chelsea

"Love you to Chels❤️"-Jay😍👫💕

After about a hour Alex was finally done.

"Ready?" He smiled

"Yea." I nodded nervously

He spun my chair around and I gasped at my reflection, I looked amazing.

"OH MY GOSH ALEX!" I gasped

"Glad you like it." He chuckled

"I LOVE it!" I yelled looking at myself once agian

My hair fell in curls down to about mid back, I had a smokey eye which made my blue eyes pop. I didnt even recognize myself, I usually never wear this much makeup. Just then there was a knock at the door snapping me from my trance.

"Chelsea, its dad can I come in?"

"Yea dad!" I said and Alex opened the door

He walked in and stared in shock at me.

"Chelsea, you look beautiful!" His eyes glossed over as they met mine through the mirror

"Hey! Dont go all soft on me old man!" I stood up and pulled him into a hug

"I mean it Chelsea, mom would be very proud at the woman you have became." His voice was soft and quiet making my heart ache

"Dont make me cry!" I fanned my face to dry up the tears collecting in my eyes

"Well I have to go, Justin and you have to be ready to walk the carpet in 10." My dad announced wiping his damp eyes

"What!? I have to walk the red carpet!" I asked now becoming more nervous

"Yes!" My dad said then closed the door

"You will do fine sweetie. Oh and by the way, I think Justin upgrade from that bitch Selena. She is no where as nice and pretty as you are." He winked

"Thanks Alex, for everything." I said hugging him

"No problem kid, here you will need these." He handed me silver heels and a purple clutch

I smiled just as there was a knock on the door.

"Babe?" Justin called through the door

"Oh no! I cant let him see me yet, I have to put on my jewelry and shoes. Stall him." I panicked looking at Alex

"Go." He pushed me toward the bathroom

I entered the bathroom and locked it behind me, I put on the necklace Justin got me, a silver diamond bracelet and my diamond dangly earrings. I put on my shoes which gave me a extra 2 inches, which wasnt much compared to how tall everyone was. I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath, before unlocking the door and stepping out.


"Oh my gosh."


The guys all said looking at me in shock.

Justin turned around and his jaw dropped, literally. His bit his lip as his eyes roamed my body.

"Babe you look I- I dont even know what to say I mean your just I- lord." He stuttered in shock

"Thanks guys." I smiled pulling a still shocked Justin into a hug

"Stare at her ass or boobs and your all dead." Justin sent a death glare to all the guys

"Justin!" I yelled smacking his arm

"What!?" He whined

"Enough." I glared at him

"Fine." His eyes rolled dramatically making me laugh

"Finally I found you two! Cmon you guys have to go!" A woman said grabbing Justins arm

"By the way you look really sexy." I whispered in his ear

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I was about to kiss him when I felt someone bump into me knocking me on my butt.


I knew that voice, the same voice that talks shit. The voice I hate



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Question: have you ever met Justin?


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