Bellatrix Trancy's Profile

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Here is Bella's profile! She is my other Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji OC.  

Name: Bellatrix Josephine Trancy

True Name: Anna Macken

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Height: 163 cm (5'4")

Birthday: October 13th 1874

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Romantic Orientation: Biromantic

Affiliation: Trancy

Occupation: Lady of Trancy

Previous Occupation: Villager

Base of Operations: Trancy Manor, London

Status: Alive


> Alois Trancy (brother, deceased)

> Luka Macken (brother, deceased)

> Jasper Wainwright (fiancé)

> Arnold Trancy (uncle; unclear)

> Aleistor Chamber (cousin; unclear)

Appearance: Bellatrix is a teenage girl with dark turquoise eyes. Her hair is a platinum blonde which reaches past her waist and is fairly thin. However, she wears it in to high pigtails tied with bows to match the colour of the dress she's wearing. Hair that is too short for the pigtails falls around her face, and she keeps some hair at the sides down, but ties them into their own loose sections. The dresses she wears are elegant gowns most often in purples (as it's her favourite colour). She has her ears pierced, one stud in each ear, and wears a thin black choker.

Personality: Bellatrix has always been motherly and caring, having to take on the role of guardian for Jim and Luka at a young age. She'll tell Alois off when it's needed, whether it's because he swore or was violent towards his servants. Because of how much she loves Alois, she can get rather jealous of how much he loves Claude. She hates Claude for this, but she is also aware that he's a demon - that'll eventually eat her brother's soul. However, she has no knowledge of the other servants being demons so she is okay with them and cares deeply for them.

Bellatrix is just as cheerful as Alois can be, sometimes seemingly more so. But, also just like Alois, she does have her sadistic side. The difference here is that she doesn't show it as often as him. She only really shows it towards people who intend to harm her brother. She often is on the receiving end of her brother's criticism, due to him still not fully forgiving her, but she'll still wear a smile. She tries to always wear a smile, which isn't all that difficult for her despite her past. She often uses her ability to smile in any situation to her advantage, being able to manipulate people in the sweetest way possible.

History: Bellatrix is the older sister of Jim and Luka Macken. At the time, her name was Anna Macken. They became orphans at a young age, and Anna tried her best to raise them and look after them. The villagers treated them all unkindly, but Anna tried her best to be kind to them, wanting to get on their good side. Anna eventually gained the trust of a few villagers, but when she returned to her brothers with some food, she found them already with food. She asked them where it was from and Luka innocently explained that they stole it.

Anna was very disappointed in them and was upset that she tried her best for them but all they did was steal from the villagers. In the middle of the night, she decided to leave the villager and her brothers, seeing that they could look after themselves and that she wasn't going to be able to stop them from stealing again. She believed they were both asleep while she was leaving, but Jim was awake and saw her. In the morning, Jim had to explain to Luka what happened, and settled with telling him that she was ill and had to go away for a while.

While she was on her own, Anna had to find a way of surviving for herself. After while it was getting harder for her to make money, so she decided to return to the village, for her brothers sake. When she arrived she found the village on fire. She wanted to know what had happened to her brothers, so she went looking, even if it meant risking her life. She found Luka dead, but she couldn't find Jim anywhere. At first she didn't give up and searched for hours, but she just couldn't find him. She went back to London to try and earn money again so at least she could live.

At some point she came across a thrown away newspaper and saw an article about 'Alois Trancy' along with a picture of her younger brother. Finding the address for the manor was a bit difficult for her, but once she found it she made her way there as soon as she could. Explaining who she was to Alois didn't go as well as she'd hoped, as he was mad at her for abandoning him. It was sorted out after a long argument, but he still hadn't forgiven her fully. It was then she took on the name 'Bellatrix Josephine Trancy'.

Here is a picture of her:

Even though her and Jasper are both Black Butler OC's, I talk about Jasper a lot more

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Even though her and Jasper are both Black Butler OC's, I talk about Jasper a lot more...

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2017 ⏰

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